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This may have the most pay-offs for a franchise in one movie I have ever witnessed. The stakes felt unearthly and the loss of life was devastating. Simply an epic ending to a beautiful series. Enjoy :)


FULL REACTION - Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows: part 2

Enjoy watching the full-length reaction!



Okay, I finally finished watching this journey with you and I have to say, yours is my favorite reaction to this final movie. So much emotion, and you are the only reactor I’ve seen who has figured out that Draco was the master of the Elder Wand, and then subsequently Harry. Great deduction. As a fellow Christian who has encouraged my children’s interest in this series, I have to say that I believe this story to be a wonderful representation of selfless love and sacrifice for those you love, much like Christ’s love for us. Just something to mull over. 😉 I also recommend you watch this video. It’s fan-made and there are several using this song, but this is my favorite. I can share it with you now you’ve finished the series. https://youtu.be/DFBzZfxkWUg?si=9qLBi4U2AnThizO_

Michael Short

It may be hard to make a shy person angry, but they usually the scariest of all if you succeed. lol

Imnot Acop

One small detail I've always noticed is that Voldi doesn't use the killing curse on Snape. You have to really want to do it in order to use that curse. There has to be an emotional "I'm more than okay with this," and Vold's constant use of the curse is kinda treated as special in the books, in that he isn't just a psychopath who doesn't care, but WANTS to use the curse. Except, he does use it on snape. He really didn't want to kill snape.


For more Harry Potter-esque fun, we should watch the Fantastic Beasts series. :)