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This film was unlike every other film in this franchise. It felt so slow and sad and miserable, but also so real and vulnerable. I love what this movie did in building the characters relationships before the final showdown. Enjoy :)


FULL REACTION - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: part 1

Enjoy watching along with me the full length reaction!


Glenn Van Pestel

Deathly Hallows Part 1 is one of my favourite movies, after Prisoner of Azkaban. It's a slower film, and it obviously builds up to part 2, but I absolutely love the cinematography, the soundtrack, the atmosphere. It's superior to part 2 in my opinion. The Harry and Hermione dance is one of my favourite moments in the entire series. Harry is trying to make Hermione feel better, just for a moment, and their friendship is the best. I do understand why people feel a romantic undertone. Personally, I would have preferred Harry and Hermione to end up together. Daniel and Emma also have amazing chemistry together. Loved the reaction, Oscar! So sad to see it all come to an end, I really enjoyed your Potter reactions!


The brothers in the Deathly Hallows story each have a parallel character in this film. Voldemort, like the first brother, seeks the Elder Wand. Snape, like the second brother, seeks the Resurrection Stone to bring back to life a woman he loved (Lily). Harry, like the third brother, seeks only to hide from death with the Cloak of Invisibility, which he ultimately gives up, and he and Death meet as old friends. Harry inherited a Cloak of Invisibility from his father but ultimately gives himself up to be killed. At the crossroads between life and death, Harry meets Dumbledore, an old friend. Dumbledore himself, like Death, has at one point been in possession of all three hallows. Xenophilius Lovegood speculates that the three brothers in the story were actually, or at least based on, the three Peverell brothers. In the book, Harry and Voldemort are revealed to be descended from two of the brothers. Harry's Cloak of Invisibility is in fact the one spoken of in the tale, and the Resurrection Stone is set inside a ring which is a family heirloom, which Voldemort stole from his uncle Morfin after killing his father and grandfather. There's a deleted scene of Harry's goodbye with the Dursleys, who are leaving because it isn't safe for them anymore, which EVERYONE agrees should have been kept in the film. Petunia says to Harry "You didn't just lose a mother that night in Godric's Hollow. I lost a sister" (in the book she doesn't say this at all but instead a simple goodbye, though it looks like she has something else to say to him). In that one single moment we see more humanity than in all the other books/films, and we realise that, in spite of everything, Petunia loved Lily. While it doesn't excuse how she treated Harry it does show that a part of her loved her sister and therefore she loved Harry too. Then there's Vernon who doesn't say much but farewell, but when Harry says "I'm just a waste of space, isn't that right Vernon?" he doesn't answer and just looks at him. Lastly, Dudley hesitates getting in the car and then walks over to Harry while literally staring down his father (quite awkwardly but maybe that was intentional), reaches out to shake Harry's hand and says to him "I don't think you're a waste of space" (in the book he also thanks Harry for saving his life in OotP and says "See you, Harry"). See here: https://youtu.be/jzkDRz8quKo?si=XTkrSPP6vuXPYO7a. Now, the way dementors work is they force their victims to suffer their worst memories and fears. Dudley saw his worst fear which was seeing who he truly was: a spoiled brat and a bully. After Harry saved him he realised he needed to change his ways. There is also a scene where Harry steps on a cup of tea that was left outside his door. He assumes it was a prank but it's implied Dudley left it there out of concern. In the epilogue it's said that Dudley married and had 2 kids, and he and Harry stayed on "Christmas card" terms for the rest of their lives. J.K. Rowling even said that one of the original plans was to have Dudley on Platform 9 3/4 with a child of his own but she decided that no magic blood would survive contact with Vernon's DNA. In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Petunia is revealed to have kept the blanket Harry was wrapped in when he first arrived at the Dursley's, and after her death Dudley sent it back to him. Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Part 2 were filmed back to back. Actually, the final scene of the entire franchise that was filmed was the scene where Harry, Ron and Hermione escape from the Ministry of Magic while being pursued by Yaxley. The shoot was followed by a celebratory BBQ, with music from a Mariachi band and ice cream supplied by Rupert Grint from the ice cream truck he purchased with his earnings from the films. At the end of Chamber of Secrets, Harry asks Dobby to promise that he will never try to save Harry's life again. Dobby smiles but does not verbally promise. This film ends with Dobby dying after saving Harry's life (and his friends). In Goblet of Fire when Harry is talking to Dumbledore in his office after seeing the flashback of Barty Crouch Jr., you can see the Deathly Hallows symbol when Dumbledore looks into the glass cabinet. Harry Melling (Dudley) had lost so much weight that he had to wear special face prosthetics. It took the make-up department nearly 6 months to create the prosthetics that would look realistic enough when viewed close up, but in the end all of his scenes were cut. The Harry and Hermione dancing scene was not in the book and was written exclusively for the film. Everyone has their own interpretation but to me it's just two friends letting themselves forget for a few minutes. It says so much even without any dialogue and it's awkward because it feels so real. When Harry takes the locket off Hermione's neck and sets it aside, they are literally setting their burdens aside for one moment. This scene is the embodiment of Dumbledore's quote from Prisoner of Azkaban - "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light". People say film Ron and Hermione weren't that good compared to the books but I disagree. Emma and Rupert had plenty of chemistry but Emma also had crazy chemistry with Dan. While he and Bonnie had none whatsoever. Hell, Harry had more chemistry with Luna than Ginny. But I personally love that Harry and Hermione's relationship was simply platonic throughout the whole series. There was something so pure about it. Having Bellatrix carve "mudblood" into Hermione's arm during the torture scene was not in the original script. Emma Watson and Helena Bonham Carter came up with the idea together on the spur of the moment during filming. The film doesn't make it clear that Voldemort actually put a jinx on his own name in order to trace any wizard who uses it, because he knows that the trio, Dumbledore's Army and the Order are the only wizards who would dare speak his name out loud. In the book the trio is caught twice but in the film they are caught once by the Death Eaters and snatchers, who just happen to find their hiding place with no explanation. The relationship between Tonks and Lupin is further explored in the book. They reveal that they are married and later that Tonks is pregnant. When Lupin appears to have an existential crisis and plans to abandon his wife and unborn child, Harry stops him. Later, when their son Teddy is born, Lupin is thrilled and asks Harry to be his godfather. Peter Pettigrew dies in the book after being compelled to strangle himself with the silver hand gifted to him by Voldemort. Although neither the book nor film reveal who killed Hedwig, many fans think it was Snape because he realised that Hedwig would give away which Harry was the real one, so he killed her to protect him. In the book, Fleur Delacour invites Viktor Krum to her wedding. There were scenes filmed where he and Hermione dance with a jealous Ron looking. Krum gets angry seeing Xenophilius Lovegood wearing the Deathly Hallows symbol because he only knows it as Grindelwald's symbol (the man who murdered his grandfather). Bill Weasley is played by Domhnall Gleeson, son of Brendan Gleeson who plays Mad-Eye Moody. The book mentions that after being attacked by Fenrir Greyback, Bill is so scarred that he now resembles Moody. Sophie Thompson (Mafalda Hopkirk) is the sister of Emma Thompson who (Prof. Trelawney).