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This was so not my favorite episode. This felt like 100% plot and zero percent character driven. (Well, that's not entirely true- we did have a touch of character stuff between Athena and Bobby).

Generally, when we have an episode that isn't my favorite, it comes after an incredible episode, and I tend to blame it on that. However, this episode also came after a great episode, but I don't think I can blame it on that. I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't love this episode no matter where it fell. I'm sorry. But, at least you know I'm honest about how I feel. Lol.

So, we're going on this treasure hunt for a 'dead' authors riches. The whole town is in on it and there are a zillion mishaps along the way. Eventually all the of the 118 (and Taylor, boo) get invested and start trying to figure out where this 5 million dollar treasure could be.

Athena (the only one who's not trying to figure it out) discovers it first. You know, after discovering that the dead author is not dead and faked his death to figure out the end of his book. When she and Bobby get there, they are joined by the rest of the 118 who have figured it out as well. They agree to split the winnings, but the box is empty.

Turns out, 'dead' authors assistant stole it when he realized he wasn't in the fake will and left for X (I forgot which country, but one that doesn't extradite).

The only real character stuff we got was from Bobby and Athena when she asked him why he was doing this. He wanted them to retire. He's been concerned about her since she was attacked several months ago and they've never really spoken about it. My guess is that Athena is so independent and strong, she hates asking for help, which meant she was uncomfortable talking to Bobby about it.


(No title)



aww this episode is like jinx for me where it’s just another fun silly one with the team so i fully enjoy it. only downside is taylor being involved. but at least we get more ravi! only two more episodes of the season left and you have a lot to look forward to when it comes to character focused things. you’ll definitely enjoy them more than this one…i hope.