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We finally won a game!

I don't know what is going on with Jess. I cannot figure out if she likes Vince or Landry or both. But she's rescheduling with Landry to eat dinner with Vince and his mom, so maybe Vince? But after the game, she left with Landry, so maybe him?

We could have skipped all that Julie in Boston stuff and I would have felt exactly the same about this episode. 🤷‍♀️

Tim tried to get a job so he could buy that land, but they didn't hire him. So, he goes to Billy who is chopping up cars for parts (I assume as part of the car stealing that Vince's friend is into) to make some quick money. This is going to end badly.

Luke is still in huge amounts of pain. I'm not sure if we are going down a 'he's not going to be able to play route,' or a 'he's going to get addicted to pain pills,' route. Neither is good.

This was kind of a meh episode. But I'm no less excited to keep watching.


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