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Okay. You guys win. This was the episode where Damon changed for me. I really didn't think I was going to come around on him, but here we are. It took all of 14 episodes to break me. Lol Not only that, but I'm dying to see more of a friendship between him and Elena.

Is Grams really dead? (Don't tell me). It seems like it, but so often it seems like that on TV when they leave us on a cliffhanger and then when we come back next episode, they've managed to pull through. But I kind of think this is for real. Which sucks if true. Bonnie just barely understands her power. Who is gonna teach her now?

Plus, this means Grams died doing something she really didn't wanna do, but Bonnie asked her to. So she died doing something to make her granddaughter happy. Plus, now we might have to deal with Bonnie feeling guilty about it.

So, after all this, Katherine wasn't even in there?!? And not only that, she's still alive?!? I so hope we run into her in the future. But this leads to the question, if Damon and Stefan really thought she was trapped this whole time, when did she have time to turn them? I'm like 95% sure that she was the one who made both of them vampires. When did this happen? I'm pretty sure they were both human when she was captured, right? Maybe this is just a plot hole I'm supposed to overlook?

And this also sort of leads to my warming up to Damon. Partially, I think because Elena cares about him, but also because we finally saw some actually emotions and weakness and sadness in him. It wasn't just this obsessive hunt for an ex. It was finding out his love (which I know feel like is 100% real) was 100% unrequited.

Um, so there was a vampire that fed on the blood that Damon brought in for Katherine. At the end, we seem to see him leaving the tomb. Did I see that correctly? I'm not great at watching shows that are super dark, so I might be wrong. But assuming he did leave, does that mean the 'sealing' part of the spell is no longer active and all the vampires in there could leave if they got unchained?

Ha. I loved Stefan torching the hot bartender vampire with a flame thrower.

Also, what does it mean that Anna and Pearl are free? Should we be worried about them? Are they a threat?

Plus, we still don't know why some vampires can walk around in the daylight without gaudy ass rings. How does that happen?


TVD 1X14



I love that you see that about Damon , but he is still Damon and its one step forward and two steps back whit him. Damon is a very complicated character, but that's why he's the most popular character in the Vampire Diaries.


Oh, I'm sure. If this was all black and white, I'd be super bored. Lol. But I love that now I'm in that gray area where I wasn't before ❤️