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Okay, so, how did the staff go from hating Tami two episodes ago, to telling her she's the best thing that's ever happened to the school in this one? I'm glad that Glenn only only attempted the tiniest kiss towards Tami. And he immediately felt badly about it. It doesn't excuse his behavior, but it seems like an honest mistake. And then they talk about it afterwards. Hopefully, we don't have to go down this path because I do not want want a storyline about Tami and/or Eric having an affair. At all.

I got super emotional over Julie this episode. Especially after she finds out that Matt his been regularly in touch with his mom and grandma, but not her. And we heard that he got a place, so it doesn't seem like he's coming back.

Vince has officially been made quarterback! Huzzah! But someone called in and claimed he brought a gun to school. The police show up and search his locker, but don't find any thing. Eric asks him if he has a gun, he says no. Eric goes to check up on him later and tells him about how he's not just here for football. He can help and that Vince should trust him. Eventually, Vince shows up late and night and hands over his gun to Eric. I cannot handle how much Eric really is a father figure to all these kids. He's so much more than just a coach.

Landry. I love him so much. I just want all the best things for him. I was so caught up in Julie's pain about Matt leaving that I didn't even think about how it might effect Landry. I'm mad at myself.

Is this some kind of long term injury for Luke? I hope not. Especially after Tinker showed up to help with the fence and talked to his dad about how much he means to the team. I really want this to be a looks worse than it is, type of thing.




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