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I'm glad to see that pretty much everyone's reaction to the news that Dan is dying, is that he's lying. Lol. That said, it probably means it true. And that said, I'm sure he won't actually die. Grrr.

While, I'm not sure there is any right answer, I really hope that Jamie doesn't wear Nathan and Haley down and get them to agree to let him see Dan. Honestly, from Jamie's perspective all he sees and understands is that the grandpa he loves, he isn't allowed to see and he's too little to understand why. But, as we saw at the end of this episode, Dan still has a hell of a temper when he doesn't get his way, and it's just not safe for him to be around Jamie, especially unsupervised.

(If I believed in a hell, I might be going there for how giddy I often get when I think about Dan dying. I cannot believe I ended up using this thumbnail, but I was so unexpectedly happy!)

But, seriously, Haley, bury that thank you card. Why would leave it on the top of the trash? There is zero chance Jamie is not finding that!

It been interesting watching Dan this season. In all honesty, sometimes, I do feel for him a little bit. But most of the time, I'm still horrendously angry at him. I was mostly the latter in this episode and scream a lot when he's on screen. (And cheer when Nathan turns him down).

In other news, Brooke somehow manages both the baby and the meeting at Macy's at the same time, since Milly went to help Mouth with his on air nervousness. It seemed like it went very well. I'm not sure what the demographic for those onesies are though. I think part of the appeal of onesies is that they are cute, not trendy and fashionable, but I've never had a baby, so what to I know.

We've got a new Raven's strategy thanks to Jamie (well sort of). Q comes back and all is well.

I'm not entirely sure what it means that Peyton is crying over this manuscript. Do we think it's because she now thinks (like everyone else) that Luke was writing about her? Or is it simply because she was moved by this epic love story? Or does she just like Luke's writing? I have to assume it's the first, right?


OTH 5X16



It is interesting to see your reactions to Dan as I feel like he is coming across more complex here but you feel like he is still just as evil. Neither of us is right or wrong, it is just interesting to see the differing perspectives. But I guess I always tried to find the good in Dan because I feel like seeing him as a deeply complicated person who just did awful things in the pursuit of trying to be loved is more interesting than him being pure evil. But it is hard to deny that most of the time in seasons 1-4 he was pure evil. Either way I am interested to see how you feel as it goes on.


"It's not me who has to make a decision about Lucas, it's you". If the book is truly about Peyton and a lost boy waiting for her then it is up to Peyton to make a decision about him. But she doesn't believe that. it's funny because, to me, Peyton has always been the driving force behind Lucas' actions (positively or negatively). About Dan, I can't lie. I love the character and the actor so I enjoy very much his scenes with other characters. I don't forgive him for his mistakes - I don't feel like we are supposed to - but his inner conflict is very well portrayed.