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Ahhh! This is insane!

Allie realizes that someone is trying to override (? I don't know or remember the proper hacking terminology) her code. Jaha tells her if it's Monty, he can stop him. His mom starts talking to him, but after some deliberation, Monty deletes her code. Raven keeps working and finds a kill switch for Allie, but just as she's about to execute it, Allie pulls herself from the mainframe. Monty is distraught that he erased his mother and they didn't even accomplish their goal.

So now, Allie is working solely off of the mobile backpack, which Pike and Murphy are working to destroy. They have a very limited time to do it, and it looks like they made it just in time, but alas, just before they destroy it, Allie has yet again pulled herself out. I'm not entirely sure what happened, but she ended up on the Ark.

Luna has decided she will take the Flame, although very reluctantly. However, during the celebration, it's revealed that it was a ruse and she put the knock out drug in the wine and Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, and Jasper end up back on the beach.

I have zero idea where we go from here. But I am crazy excited for the two part finale.


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