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So this episode was half Jamie and Claire, and half Brianna and Roger. I assumed I'd be annoyed by this, but it turns out, I was fairly charmed by Brianna and Roger.

The episode was basically just Jamie and Claire deciding not to accept River Run and traveling west to find a place to live. During a rainstorm, Jamie and Claire get separated (which we all know means disaster), and her horse gets spooked by lightening, throwing her off and knocking her out. When she comes to, she sees an Indian ghost (?) and finds he stole her shoes and walked to the river. She's able to follow these footprints and find Jamie. It was a little odd. But we're all just going with it. Also, she found a skull with silver fillings so another time traveler existed at some point.

Eventually, they find a piece of land that Jamie falls in love with and decide to take Lord Whateverhisnameis (You guys know I suck at names) up on his offer .

Over in 1970, Brianna and Roger are attending an Scottish festival and having the loveliest time. At least until she tries to have sex with him, and he proposes. She doesn't want to get married, and he doesn't want to have sex with her unless she wants to marry him. It seems like they break up, but I don't think this is the end for them.

Also, totally off topic, but does this seem like it could be the title of an episode of Doctor Who? It's not just me, right?


(No title)


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