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I feel like this was a very odd episode. No one was interacting with each other. Everything was super separate and set apart. I guess that sort of makes sense if the episode is going to focus on individual hopes, dreams, and desires, but still!

So we've got Nathan wishing to play basketball again (I had no idea this was even a possibility. but I'm so investing now), Haley wanted to be more involved in music again (which seems totally feasible with the amount of money they have), Brooke wanting a child (which of course, her mother screwed up for her), and then our two wild cards.

Peyton doesn't really seem to know what she wants. She vaguely claimed music and love, but nothing really concrete. We also have Dan who seems to want a relationship with Jamie as his only desire. I'm kind of concerned he's gonna try to kidnap him. Especially with the whole, 'remember this is a secret bullshit' he was telling Jamie. Why aren't the daycare people paying attention to this?!?

We all hate Brooke's mom for this, right? Generally, I'd feel a little conflicted (to say the least) at a 22 year old wanting to adopt a baby, but Brooke really has lived this accelerated lifestyle she's been talking about. Plus, she has more than enough money to take care of any issue that come up. Plus, she's the absolute best taking care of Jamie. (Not to mention the fucking Harts were way fucking older than Brooke when they adopted their clan and fucking murdered all of them. If you're into true crime look up Hart family murders, if you already know, I'm sorry, this shit sucks).

Andy convinces Lucas to give it another shot with Lindsey (totally blowing my- we won't see her for a good long while-prediction out of the water) and he shows up at her office. They decide to work together on the edits for his book. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I know Luke thinks it will bring them closer together, but I'm not sure that will be the case.


(No title)


Elsa Reinsch

I don't think that Nathan and Haley are all that rich right now. I'm mean you're right in the sense that they are pretty privileged. They have a lot of resources when it comes to people in their lives. They have Skills, Brooke, and Lucas who can all babysit Jamie if need be. But Nathan is a high school Basketball coach and Haley is a teacher and we all know how little teachers make. They were able to pay that big house because Nathan had the shoe contract straight out of college basketball. They don't seem to be destitute but unless Tree Hill High School pays their teachers/coaches insane money I don't think they're rich


I've binged your reactions to OTH and I love them all! So glad to have someone else who is team Peyton lol. I loved this episode for Nathan & Haley, my favorite tv show couple always and forever :) Looking forward to the next seasons!


Yeah, and it was only an advance in the shoe contract. He was never drafted, so no shoes were sold. Haley needs to work. After buying the house there can't be much left. Is Nathan even officially a coach? I always thought he was a volunteer coach. Also, while teaching high school students might not seem all that glamorous, Haley loves it. It's basically what she did in high school with tutoring. She loves making a difference in those kid's lives. I was happy she was able to find something else that she loved and made sense to her life after she had to put music on hold for her family.