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OMG. What is going on this episode?!

Oliver is fine, Barry saved him fairly quickly. But Oliver is now hallucinating that Shado, Slade, and Tommy are appearing to him. It's distracting while he's trying to work, to say the least.

Anyway, Roy is captured and injected with the Mirakuru and left for dead. But Oliver shows up and revives him (or maybe he came back on his own- that's a story for another time). The serum seemed to give him super healing, but is he gonna turn into one of those super human people? How long does the transition take? Thea is gonna be pissed if she finds out.

Also Slade is alive! We left him for dead after the Mirakuru as well. (So maybe after you die, it brings you back on it's own with it's super healing properties? Maybe?) And now he's out to destroy everyone Oliver loves. What the hell did Oliver do to him? I need more flashbacks on that, because if it's just based on what we've seen so far, that guys is way OTT.

And Oliver's got a mask now! Thanks Barry! And speaking of Barry, I'm guessing maybe he's the Flash now. Was this sort of a backdoor pilot?


(No title)


C. J. Ramirez

Flash starts end of season 2


This was just the main villain reveal. How Slade got to this point, where Oliver is his enemy has yet to be revealed. That's what the flashbacks are for. As we can see it's unlikely that it's based on what we have seen up to this point. I really loved this episode.


Oh, I appreciate that, thank you. I can never tell if I don't know something because I was too stupid to pick up on it, or because I'm not actually supposed to know yet.