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I don't know if it's just that she's a new character, but Lindsey doesn't really seem to fit in with the rest of the cast. It seems like they are trying to make her friendly with everyone, but she doesn't really have chemistry with anyone. That said, she is totally jealous of Luke getting inspired as soon as both Peyton and Brooke came home. Also, I'm fairly certain that Peyton really does want Luke back. And I'm certain Brooke does not. Peyton protests too much. Plus, it's easy to see how much they still care about each other.

Ugh. I hate this Mouth storyline. I hate everything about it. Plus, Mouth is starting to develop a pattern here of accosting women. I realize we didn't think to hard about this 15 or 20 years ago, but it's super creepy to watch now.

I'm surprised that Nathan hadn't been to see Dan before now. I assume (since Paul is still in the title credits) that'll well see more of him now. But I have no idea how that's gonna play out. I can't imagine people visiting him that often in jail. Maybe he'll get out soon? Or end up on house arrest?

Um, Brooke bought a house in an hour. That's insane to me. Not sure if she's gonna actually get to live in it though. Am I the only one who was completely blind sided by Victoria being Brooke's mom? I mean, she was speaking with weird authority to the person who owned the company, but I thought maybe that's just because she was good at her job and knew how Brooke needed to be handled? Also, how much of Clothes over Bros is Brooke's vs her mom's? Is this gonna be a disaster?

And of course, the Scott family. ❤️


(No title)



Just have to say The Scott Family for the win in this episode. Those last few scenes between NHJ were everything. It was a great snapshot moment of how beautiful this family was together up until Nathan lost his way, and we most definitely needed a reminder of what was, and what could be again. Haley coming home and needing a minute to collect her thoughts in her car as she's pulling into the garage pulls at the heartstrings every damn time I watch that scene. It's a gut-punch knowing how much she was dreading coming home to her family and the broken state they had all been in because of Nathan's accident. When Carrie comes outside and says that someone is waiting for you.....and we see her immediately assume it's Jamie, to then see the utter shock and disbelief on her face when she walks into the dining room and spots Nathan all dressed up at the table, with Jamie by his side waiting on her so they could all sit down as a family for dinner...is everything. Joy played it all so well.... you could immediately read every running emotion passing through Haley's face. Gets me every time, she's so damn good. And then to finally see a lighthearted moment afterwards between Naley as they are sitting on the couch together and joking with one another, and Nathan calls her the "mean teacher" and you can tell he's turned on, lol, it's finally a much-needed moment of hope between them. And I love that Jamie comes downstairs and wants to be with his parents and be a part of a nice family moment for a change instead of what he's been accustomed to seeing for the past few months. Nathan playing basketball with his son as Haley looks on.... meant everything for sure!!! And how powerful was that Nathan/Dan scene.... I always love those moments between those two. Nathan has such a complicated relationship with Dan, and it took a lot of restraint on his part to have cut Dan out of his life for as long as he has, and to have it be revealed that this was the first time that Nathan's come to visit him since he's been in prison, and that Jamie thinks his grandpa is dead...was for sure a gut-punch to Dan. Like I said.... this show never stops with the parallels, lol, they sure know how to do them well, that's for sure!!!! And Dan looking at the picture of Jamie that Nathan left for him......pulls at the heartstrings for sure!!! And Victoria being Brooke's mother and business partner was for sure a fantastic surprise if you didn't know it was coming, hehe. You just wait......you haven't seen anything yet, lol!!!

Nebulous Shooter

I know I'm in the minority, but I kinda like 'Lucas' Lindsey' 🤣


There are more Lucas/Lindsey fans then you think, lol!!! I very much enjoy Lindsey for Lucas at this stage in the show. After the 4-year jump, it was a nice change of pace to see Lucas with his most ADULT relationship yet. Up until this point...all we've seen is Lucas in teenage high school romance department drama, and his relationship with Lindsey feels very settled and grown up to me, and it was a very pleasant surprise how natural and easy going it appears on screen. There is a genuine chemistry between them, and it's not lost on me how well Lindsey fits in with the rest of The Scott Family in NHJ. It's really believable that they've all built a bond over the past several years and have all gotten close with each other and have come to really admire Lindsey and like her for Lucas. Naley are fans of hers, and that speaks volumes, and Michaela was cast very well for the role. She sold me, hands down, hehe!!!!