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I'm not happy. I've been waiting this entire season to learn what was happen with this plot line. And I don't like where we're going. I'm happy to be proven wrong in the next two episodes, but I'm not holding my breath.

All that said, I've happy Walter is safe.

But I don't know what this means for Felicity (please don't leave us!), Oliver and Malcolm (please let us get a showdown of Hood and Hood #2), and Moira (it doesn't seem like Oliver is going to give her the benefit of the doubt anymore).

Tommy and Laurel and broken up (which I don't really care about), but it's because Oliver still loves her- which he admitted this episode. Hmmm. Don't like it. This does not look good for my Olicity ship!


(No title)



People, especially those that are wealthy, blame bad areas/poor neighborhoods and the people in them, for crime all the time. Usually everyone is stereotyped and lumped together as the problem. I don't think it was outlandish for Malcolm to do the same, especially since his logic is skewed by grief. That said, while they were fine with gentrification, nobody thinks leveling the Glades is a good idea. It's crazy! Seems like this is all Malcolm, but they are scared to go against him, so now they are complicit as well. Like Oliver, Malcolm returned home on a mission of "justice." It's a theme we've seen repeatedly with Oliver all season. (Helena) There is a fine line between justice and vengeance. Who gets to define justice. What makes your justice more valid than someone else's? I always liked the parallels between Malcolm and Oliver here. I always thought Malcolm was an anti-hero, like Oliver, even though he's the villain and Oliver's the hero. He believed what he was doing was right and was for the greater good, that destroying the Glades was what was best for the city. He was the hero in his story.


Season 2 is better.