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I hate this. It's like we're resigning ourselves to lose. But I probably only feel this way because I already know the outcome. Sigh.

And, yet again, our plan goes exactly the way we want it to, but something else comes along to screw it up. Ugh.

On the plus side, I guess, even if Lovat isn't all in, he's at least giving us men. But that's sort of hard to be happy about when we already know we're gonna lose!

Part of me feels like this is a trick. They wouldn't tell us that we were 100% sure of a loss so early on, right? But I don't see how it could be otherwise. However, they've surprised me before, so I'm not giving up hope.

I'm not sure how Claire actually feels about Laoghaire by the end of this episode. I sure as hell know how I feel about her (she didn't hear her claim she STILL wanted Jamie to love her).

All this said, I thought I had no idea what was going on, but during the discussion I felt a lot more confident. Feel free to destroy my confidence and tell me the truth about what I know and don't. Lol.


(No title)



I always say you don't give yourself enough credit. You always work it out in the discussion. I hope I don't imply that you're wrong. Yep, they are still trying to change the future, but by winning the war now instead of trying to prevent it.


Oh, please. You're a delight. And super helpful. Your comments are half the reason I'm able to figure anything out at all. Lol. Which makes me nervous, because we already know they lost! I'm still hopeful it's some kind of red herring or misdirect, though.