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Ugh. This sucked for Ben. He went out of his way to plan a lovely birthday for Felicity (and you knew it was gonna end up poorly for him because of this) and then he saw the naked picture of Felicity in the email. No matter what Felicity says, I don't really think it matter if she did or didn't sleep with that frat guy (minus STDs of course). It's just the fact that she could end up in that situation and not tell him. But take this with a grain of salt as I've never been in this situation.

Is Sean actually going to have an issue here? I really thought it was going to be nothing. I think, ultimately, he'll be fine (fingers crossed) but I think it really did a lot to prove his relationship with Megan was true.

Is it Noel or me who is reading into things? I 100% don't think a photo of Richard with violin guy, indicates that Richard is gay. But Noel knows Richard better than I do, but it still seems odd. Is that what he's going for?

I hate that I'm back to feeling like Elena needs more storylines. Sigh.

Also, I go on a whole tangent about whether or not you should lie to your significant other. And the answer, it turns out, is, it depends.


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