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Rumors are bad. Bullies suck. So it's easy to get down about things. This week has been rough. I'm gonna be completely honest with you guys here. I'll explain why in a minute.

I literally have a hate group. I have seen screenshots of a group on Facebook dedicated to hurting me, spreading lies about me, and doing everything they can to break me. This week, their target was spreading a lie that I'm anti-LGBT as an attempt to get me to not attend my local Gay Pride parade at the end of the month, where I should be walking with my local geeky friends and charity group. Sadly, the post gained traction, and has affected a few acquaintances/friendships in the community, and I've had to reluctantly let go of a few potential friends due to the lies.

Can I just say that this really REALLY sucks? Like, it makes my heart sad. It makes my heart sad that there's former friends of mine that are that hellbent on hurting me, it makes me sad that people who know me would believe them despite knowing my character, and it makes me sad that there are people out there that could've been my friend, but decided to hate me with a firey passion without ever meeting or talking to me once. It's just sad.

And I'm tired. This has been going on for three years, and I'm emotionally exhausted from trying to fight the hate. Every time I stand up for myself, I grow as a person and it hurts me less and less, but these people hit harder and harder and I'm starting to break.

This is why I might not attend my local Gay Pride parade, despite being an ally all my life and a member of the queer community myself. Despite standing up for Gay rights at my church , my Christian middle school, and my homeschool co-op,when I was a devout Christian in the face of homophobia. Despite having to go through the discovery and passive disregard I get as an asexual, and the empathy I feel for the LGBT community.

My point is, cosplay has its time and place. If my being there will make anyone in the LGBT community uncomfortable or feel unsafe, then it might be best if I'm not there. First and foremost my desire is to bring happiness to people, and I can't be doing that if others have made me a symbol of homophobia, despite not being one.

If I DO go, as my friends are encouraging me to, I will not be going as Korra. Despite not being straight, the post that slandered me claimed I was hetero, so it would be insensitive in this time and place to dress as a bisexual, no matter how much I admire her, because it could make it look like I'm pretending to be two persecuted minorities (POC and bi) for my own gain, as the slandering post has suggested I do.

So, this post ended up a lot longer than I thought. Just thought I'd share WHY Korra has been put on hold, and you might see progress on my AX cosplays instead! :D I might try finishing Korra and bringing her to LA with me, with the idea of shooting the costume near the ocean or something! Or the desert! Anything cool! :D I'll keep you guys updated!


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