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Dragoncon was last weekend! I had an absolute blast, mostly spending time with one of my favorite people the entire convention!

It's funny, because Dragoncon was my first big convention five years ago, and I went not knowing anyone, and I specifically went to cosplay and see cosplay. Now, five years later, I went to be with friends and barely cosplayed at all XD XD XD I feel like my progression has been the opposite of most cosplayers!!

I did complete a few costumes right before the convention though -- Chun Li, Panther, and Playboy Bunny Harley! I hope to get some photoshoots done of these girls, and maybe wear them to future conventions soon! All three had their own sewing challenges that made me feel like a real cosplayer again XD I started my cosplaying with sewing, so it really made me feel like I was going back to my roots!


Right now, my Patreon is paused. This is partially because I need to get caught up on life, BUT ALSO because come October, I plan to have a big overhaul OF MY ENTIRE LIFE.

Right now, I'm writing up a business plan to transition into travel blogging, with my focus continuing on cosplay. 'Cosplay around the World', as it were. Rewards would be similar to what they are now, except the exclusive images would be potentially more epic as my landscape changes!!

The best times of my life have been when I traveled and cosplayd-- like my adventures into Yosemite National Park with Martin Wong and Meagan Marie a few years back, or my Prompto FFXV roadtrip along Route 66. I would like to continue this, and make it bigger and grander!

I've also hired a PA to keep me on track, help me get rewards out, and in general assist me on making this dream a reality! (this has been the biggest issue with juggling Patreon, Rarity's Boutique, moving, a relationship, etc...it eventually is just too much, and I desperately need to focus on one thing at a time-- I WANT that to be Patreon/Cosplay/YOU GUYS)

SO, in the next few weeks, be prepared for a lot more to be announced, and come October, be ready for an adventure XD Thank you so so much for supporting me up until now, and I promise I will bring more to you from here on out!! GET READY!!



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