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Hey guys!! Long time no chat!! @_@ Basically my entire social media has been neglected this last month due to the move!! I'M SO SORRY!!

I didn't get to our usual livestream this month, and since i'm behind on getting prints out, i'm considering putting a freeze on Patreon until I get caught up, which should be after Dragoncon. I know it probably isn't the best of priorities, but I prioritized getting Rarity's Boutique orders out and making new costumes for Dragoncon D: It's kinda like running three full-time businesses -- add in another move across the country and I've been DEAD.

Like, you deserve content if you're pledging. I know you're supporting me as an artist, but I haven't had time to give back, and that's just not fair :(

As for past rewards, I have awesome prints of Poison Ivy, Zarya, C. Viper, Aranea, ALL going out, all exclusive for Patreon. I still need to shoot all the polaroids for past months, but some will probably be in my new costumes for this weekend!!

If you're at DRAGONCON this weekend, let me know!! HMU up instagram or Twitter. I've been most active in the DMs there! Thank you for your patience!! I hope to be around and more accessible super soon! <3


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