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Liming is a very strong hero with a lot of different builds, and has a lot of subtle but important tricks to note in order to properly utilize her at her full strength. We talk about all of these in the video, along with demonstrations!

All you need to know about every build and talent for Liming! Lots of Liming specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! There will also be a Liming Grandmaster VOD Analysis(in a separate post) to add even more coverage to the hero!



Great guide once again, Thank you so much Fan :)

Patrick Kelone

I occasionally will go full magic missile build against a double frontline/tank comp if calamity is potentially dangerous to try and engage or follow up with. Especially if you have stuns to guarantee your Q hitting. You can melt a high heath target with full Q talents plus an auto attack with canoneer. Tanks do not expect to lose 60% of their HP in one full combo.


Yeah that is fine as well, I have seen calamity limings that don't actually know how to play calamity just blink in and die for free many times, if you feel it is too dangerous to blink in you could do that as well.

John Smith

Good guide, would have liked some minion clear and camp info tho. (that hoik ult combo is pure evil, watch me go fuck it up in qm


clearing minions you just want to orb them from the side, at a 90degree angle so you hit every/most of the minion wave with 1 orb. Other than that theres not much for liming in terms of minion and camp clear its pretty much just chucking your spells at them and not missing.