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Find out what you need to improve on based on your storm league rank!

A Patreon member requested a video of this type so I tried to make something that people can find useful. Keep in mind all of these are generalizations, every player is different so there will always be some players that do not fit the norm. However, the vast majority of players I see in these ranks will be basically what I describe in this video.


Jeb Brigman

Oh shit yes. Now this is what I am talking about. I love this kind of post. The things to do in Bronze 5 might be very different that what you are expected to do in Plat 3.


I am such a freaky, weird outlier across all categories that I don't know how much this will help me personally, but this is a *fantastic* resource for the majority of players I know. This makes it so easy to tell friends "yeah, at your rank probably just focus on X, Y, and Z; don't worry about the rest" and help people get noticeable results. Really great to see, Fan.


I’m wondering what is a better strategy to climb out of bronze/silver. Is it getting better at the categories you present (like improving macro) or simply grinding with your best hero and maximizing kills. For example I see myself as a descent valla player. As valla I perceive the correct play style is going with the 3/4 man while the solo laner soaks xp. But in bronze I often find myself in teams with no laning awareness where all 5 go in the same lane. So now I’m in a dilemma. Do I solo lane/soak as valla or do I continue ARAMing with the team.


Really well summarized in my opinion. What I find the hardest is that you always begin the game in a disadvantage, since you must choose between macro and creating a 4v5 or join the fight and try to win it. Either way one could argue that deaths in the early game don't matter as much, because the enemy also doesn't know how to exploit that numeric and experience advantage, so macro becomes de focus in the early game, even if the team 4v5s. The fact that every role has it's crucial necessary job makes it impossible for you to win if a guy is just simply suiciding 24/7. And it's really bad because you are trying to learn and improve to rank up, but in that scenario you actually didn't make a mistake, you are simply playing a game on permanent disadvantage. Also stacks with comms advatange exploit this, making it really difficult for the solo queuers, they engage with focused fire on the player that doesn't understand positioning. If you are the tank, there is no follow up, if you are the support people don't understand your restrictions or don't follow up properly using your enhancing capabilities, if you are the damage there is no vision cause tank is afk, the healer doesn't heal or doesnt enable you, if you are offlaner you are stuck on double soaking because your team can't win anything for the same reasons. Therefore I think the ability to rank up comes with learning adaptability (meaning you know how to player with your pepega team) and also knowledge because you can exploit their mistakes. Also your effectiveness, doing what your hero is good at rather than trying to do everything at once. Either way really good topic to reflect uppon and help players understand their general flaws to improve on. Don't you think you have an edge on bronze to gm because you UNDERSTAND the mistakes the enemy is doing, and you punish it effectively, whereas a gold tries to see the error, tries to punish it, but it's not effective because of all the flaws you said? Thank you so much Fan, loved the guide! :)


Well Valla is a very powerful teamfight hero and not a great soaker, so for valla I would recommend just ARAMing. If you were something like a double soaking offlaner though, it would probably be better to double soak first and get to the teamfight a bit later.


Yeah, for level 1 I would always tell my team to play safe and not fight if I were to start in a different lane and not join the 5v5 level 1 aram. You can usually also play the level 1 aram and still get to lane without missing soak as long as you don't lose too much hp. And agreed, understanding is the key, the more you understand WHY you are doing every action you make in the game, the higher level player you will be.


Yeah. I think it would be great, maybe after all the heroes' guides are covered, to make some replay analysis of your games or even HGC games and focus only on the macro aspect of it so we can get a better ideia on the WHY we did that camp, WHY we punished X with Y on a macro sense. And maybe even some community replay analysis to show that we did X, but clearly we did not know WHY because of our wrong decisions. I personally don't mind sharing my replays full of mistakes so everyone gets to see those and identify themselves with it, therefore we all learn. If you think about doing it just ask for them, I provide you with whatever you need. Thank you for the teachings once again :)

Bob Murloc

hello, a great vidéo to put in simpler form a complicated topic. I have a follow up question to that vidéo. The main thing to improve is basically work on understanding why and when we pick a hero, do an action to make better decisions in game. I'm pretty bad at positioning despite your videos. In Team fights it seems to me that there is a lot of things to keep track of to know when and how to change position (waiting vs going in vs retreating/breaking off from my caveman understanding of it). Do you have tips to keep track of heroes actions (like the tank cc in your exemple) or elements of the game? It could be a thing to make like a reminder or a "go through" list of the things to keep track depending on hero role ? In retrospect it is probably a very big thing to do but just a pointer to a check list my be interesting (like check lanes advancement vs check the tank's cc cooldown vs check the team levels, etc). Thank you again and keep up the great work


hmm I go off intuition for this myself since I've been doing it for so long but perhaps I could make a video like this about checklists, I'll have to think about it and plan it out first but i'll keep it in mind

Doug Hill

Hey Fan, thanks for all your amazing content. I don’t know exactly how the guide would be, but could you make a video about how to play post 20? Following your videos I’m really good at macro, but in mid silver the games always go to a post 20 stalemate. Can you talk about micro and strategy in late game fights? I think a lot of people struggle with that in lower elos

Ken Q

I would like to see how you approach each character in the draft during games. I know you can pretty much just pick any character in storm league and do well, but the draft is probably one of the hardest areas to learn from your streams. There used to be a lot of good websites on drafting and matchups, but now they're all outdated or have been taken down. Like maybe at the end of your character guides, add a part for what you look for during the draft to use each character. Their strengths and weaknesses, what maps you like with them, what matchups you would avoid. That's probably one the hardest parts of the game to learn is the draft because a lot of players are in quickmatch, and then when they switch over to ranked it's basically just a slow trial and error process to figure out what character is good against what other character or is the best on certain maps. I know you have the tierlist and a few drafting videos, but it would be awesome to have a section at the end of each hero guide video where you talk about what you look for in draft when you pick each hero.


That's a good idea I'll try to incorporate that into future videos as well

Mikael Phénix

I'm seeing a lot of problem witt camp in my games, but i don't always have a good hero to do it myself. Plus, if i do no one might soak my lane. Would you have a tier list of heros for camp? Especially the ones you can't 100% dodge. Like, is Valla supposed to be decent, should I blow all my abilities on the camp? Azmodan?


Any ranged assassin is decent at doing giant camp as you don't take damage. For the melee camp, most ranged assassins cannot do it alone, so melee bruisers are usually better. Hogger, Malthael, Sonya, Greymane, Raynor with Exterminator, Rehgar are some heroes that can solo both camps well. However its usually better to get some help and not solo the knight camp if possible. If you are ranged assassin helping on a camp usually you do want to use all your abilities on the camp yes.