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Here is some grandmaster gameplay analysis that will further help you understand how to play Greymane in a live game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFgeYcpvwM

Will try to incorporate some live gameplay analysis in future hero guides as well! Either by providing specific links to YT or adding it into the video directly.

All you need to know about every build and talent for Greymane! Lots of Greymane specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! Greymane is a jack of all trades type of flexible hero, good at everything(hero damage, waveclear, range) but not the absolute best. He is extremely strong at macro and camping, and also has both ranged and worgen form that each need to be used properly at the right times to maximize the value of the hero.



Thank you for the guide Fan! I have 2 questions. 1) A lot of times I see you turn your Inner Beast On the moment the fight is about to begin, but around my elo this strategy doesn't prove very effective. After watching some replays I think this problem is due to the fact tanks and melees are often disengaging a lot when the fight is actually going our favour (I also try to look if my tank is not very good at engaging ofc but seeing a Diablo or a Muradin leave the fight being at 70% HP right after sutting someone is kinda wierd) and it ruins the Inner Beast because I just can't go basic attack. So I adapted to only turning on Inner Beast the moment I see the proper engage rather than turning it on right away. If you could just give a word of advise as to when you shoud turn it on, or what you look for to turn it on would be awsome. 2) Not greymane specific, but talking about mercs. Usually, when the drafts are ok, I tend to compare both DMG dealers and identify if I should stay with the Tank and Healer, or be the camp taker. Maybe this isn't the issue at higher ranks cause people do camps together, but in my elo at least we just ARAM all day xD So imagine, I see a Greymane and a Hanzo, and I think, ok I'm much greater at doing camps as Greymane, I should go do them while Hanzo stays with the team rotating. But if I see like, a Liming and a Raynor, I think I should be with the team while Raynor does the mercs. I don't know if you do this type of analysis and if yes, is it correct or are there more nuances to this to make it a better decision? Thank you! <3


1) Yeah you are pretty much right, you should turn on W when you are sure you will get a good amount of value from it. Usually in my games that is the second the fight starts but if you think it will be wasted cause engage is bad then you can wait for a good engage. 2) Yes that is basically correct the one that is better at mercs should be doing mercs. If they refuse to do mercs, then sometimes you have to do it. Not much more to that its pretty logical and simple to have the most efficient merc taker do it.

Serdar Şen

can we include cocktail build (incl lvl 1) with att speed and move speed talents as another fun build? its huge dmg late game without any need to engage at all.


My preferred version of cocktail build is the normal build except pick cocktail at 7 personally. It can be good if you finish the quest quickly (ideally around level 13). This version lets you ranged AA with W up permanently and also throw cocktails. The reason why I don't like full cocktail build is because without autoattacking, Greymane is like half a hero, which is not good for winning. But yes, it is a fun build.


Hey Fan thanks for the guide on one of my favourite heroes, really interesting to know your vision on it. I have a few questions for you: 1) on the W refresh, I often find myself when clearing lanes or an enemy camp that sometimes the next wave is too far to hit aa again even with viciousness, so should I then save it for fights only? And be much slower clearing waves? Can happen that with GM you are left depushing camps and waveclearing even multiple lanes. This happens especially with my lower elo's smurfs 2) I kinda feel like in the build you proposed the lv 16 it's a bit antisynergic, if you are planning to stay in range because enemy has tons of cc then you don't get value from Alpha killer as much, so I would pick executioner even if my team only has 1 or 2 slow/stuns so it synergizes better with lv 20 too and all your other ranged talents (since it procs on ranged auto). Do you think Alpha killer is still very valuable late game for extra burst after bullet?


1) You can use W to clear every wave/camp. It is ok for it to fall off while you are rotating to the teamfight, the rotation should take a while, by the time you get there it should be up soon again. If there is noone in the lane other than you then you don't have to use W, can just flask the wave and then worgen form and it should be pretty fast still. I attached a link to a YT video example to the greymane guide, you can look at how I clear waves in that video. 2) Executioner is fine as well, the 16 talents are all good. My personal preference is alpha killer because % damage is very valuable due to being unblockable damage and it adds a ton of burst damage since its attached to your worgen form as well. Yes I feel it is valuable even after bullet, the more % burst damage you have the better. If you feel unsafe going worgen form for long periods of time in the fight, then one of the other ones would be better.


Hi Fan thx for the guide! Quick question, for Greymane where would you say he fits in the draft? Is it a hero you can safely pick every game as a rdps or only on specific maps/paired with specific heroes/comps and since hes quite hurt by armor do you more often keep the pick later once you see like the healer pick to not end up having like a stu locked to counter and negate most of your dmg? Thanks!


He is a jack of all trades hero so as long as you need a rdps he is usually safe to pick. However to do maximum damage he has to be melee worgen so if you see too much CC to the point where you don't wanna worgen at all it would be better to pick another rdps. Also like you mentioned if they have hard AA counters like multiple blinds/AOE blocks it is better to pick a rdps that can have more hybrid damage. SInce he is not a contested hero it is safe to pick him later on.