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All you need to know about every build and talent for Diablo! Lots of Diablo specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! We cover every viable build including W Build, Q Build, and Autoattack build and in what situations you should be using each build! Lots of micro tips & tricks with diablo that are demonstrated in depth in the video as well. Apoc Combos, Hellgate Combos, & more!


László Török

Actually the picture you used of the Feast on Fear talent doesnt match the talent :D Thank you for the content. :)

László Török

Fan, what diablo build would you prefer in a more competitive atmosphere. For example im playing with my team in division 3-4 on Heroes Lounge. And we had a little debate what would be better on him especially on 16, Q talent or W talent. The enemy team was really melee heavy something like, Anub, Blaze, imperius, Jaina. I picked W at 16 thought it would be more beneficial since its really hard to pick off a target between them. And a team member said it would have been betetr to pick Q instead. Thank you for the asnwer, keep up the good content :)


Both those talents seem fine on level 16, Q talent you go for more chainstun into kill, W talent you go for AOE slow and DR which can cripple melees and low range heroes. I'd be fine with either one into that enemy comp.