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All you need to know about every build and talent for Dehaka! Lots of Dehaka specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! Dehaka is a Tier S solo laner with his global power. He has tanky and mobile builds, and can spec into defense or offense, lots of options here!



Thank you for the guide Fan!! c:


Great guide and overview over the quite diverse talent choices for Dehaka! Couple of things I'd like to add: If you go W build, I think you should take Hero Stalker at 4. The talent not only gives you more essence for takedowns, but also essence every time your W hits an enemy hero. Since the goal of W build is permanent W uptime, this gives you a lot more essence and helps you quickly refill if you're forced to use your essence to heal. Second thing: if you press W, your hitbox is disabled and you can move through heroes. This can help you guarantee hitting tongues even when in the middle of a minion wave if you can hug the enemy hero so that your hitboxes overlap. And lastly, if you're splitpushing and have nobody in your lane, Q actually does a nice amount of damage to buildings and with Feeding Frenzy, you can get it back rather quickly. So it's just a small thing to keep in mind to improve your push power.