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All you need to know about every build and talent for Chen! Lots of Chen specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! We also talk about the various skill combinations Chen has and the order of buttons for which you should do them in. If I missed anything feel free to ask in comments section.



I would like to add that Brewmaster's Balance falls off a little in Q build since QWW doesn't put you on 50 brew anymore since with Q4 your Q now costs 0, so you can't easily get both benefits at the same time anymore. Enough to share does however get more value with the Quest at 1 since you can basically perma-drink thanks to the cdr so if you just wanna fight for a long time and sustain your team that's great fun! Also fun to 80% slow an annoying Overwatch mosquito though.

László Török

Hey, Fan! What do you base on your decision when choosing between the 2 builds? How much cc do you think is too much for autoattack build where you would consider Q build? Also what do you think about the spell power reduction talent on lvl 4 if the enemy team has a spell damage heavy comp? Would you still recommend the 'Accumulating flame'? Lot of questions :D Thank you for the content. :)


If every hero on the other team has at least 1 CC that interrupts you from attacking, that would probably be too much. Generally you should know from playing the game, if you are getting enough AA's to kill things its an AA game, if you are constantly being CC'd and nothing dies to your AA then it was not an AA game. Spell power reduction on level 4 is ok, then you rely more on your team to do damage as you lose a ton of damage from not having accumulating flame. If your team is reliable it can be good.


Hi Fan, great vid. I've never really gotten the hang of Chen before. What are some considerations when you're drafting a Chen? Besides Samuro, are there other really bad solo lane match ups? Just in the last few quick matches of using your auto attack build and using the tips from this vid, I feel like I'm actually functioning as the hero was intended. And not just clown fiesta flailing around.


I think chen is fine vs most other heroes, some of the other solo laners will waveclear faster than you but in that case you can just fight them nonstop to make it hard for them to double soak properly.