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All you need to know about every build and talent for Butcher! Lots of Butcher specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! Butcher is a snowball hero that can be very strong in lower leagues and usually a bit weaker in high ranks. Very important to understand his kit in order to snowball effectively. If I missed anything feel free to ask in comments section.



Understanding that Butcher is often considered a troll/fun pick, when would you think he's the best choice (or least bad) vs. the many strong alternatives? Which maps would you consider best?


Dont think maps matter too much, just pick him if you think you can get a lot of kills. The squishier the enemy team, the less CC they have, and the lower the rank is, the more likely he will be good.

Danny Ngô

Can you explain targeting for butcher in general? Like when to target frontline or dive the backline?


There is a targeting guide on the Patreon you should check out if you haven't, it covers exactly this topic in detail! But the right answer to that is always it depends, you target the person who you think can die. If noone is out of position, it might be the tank who your team is chunking down. If a backline is out of position and can die to a charge/lamb, then it could be that backliner.

László Török

Funfact: You can dodge butcher charge with teleport (in case teleport is short ranged, like liming before 13, then you need to be a bit more precise) if you teleport behind butcher slightly diagonally while he's charging. Works with every kind of teleport, like zeratul or with bolt of the force talent. It can be hit consistently. Has some risk in it if you miss it, but sometimes better than getting stunned. First I wanted to put this comment to the liming guide, but suits better here at butcher I think. Nice video, keep up the content. :)


Yeah if you tp at around a 90degree angle to his charge it can cancel it, I don't use this much though because if you mess up then you waste your tp and he stuns you and its a guarenteed death.