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All you need to know about every build and talent for Auriel! Lots of Auriel specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! If I missed anything feel free to ask in comments section.



Great video! One mention about detainment strike: The knockback vector can be unintuitive. Since detainment strike's skillshot outline is a narrow pointed line, it looks like it's telling you which direction the target hero will be knocked back. But it doesn't work like that! In reality, detainment strike's knockback vector is actually calculated with Auriel as the origin, pointing toward the target hero's center position. So let's say detainment strike has a glancing hit on the edge of a hero's hitbox. The hero is knocked back in exactly the same direction as if detainment strike had hit them head-on. The knockback ends up being like a Diablo Q no matter where on the target hero's hitbox detainment strike hit. This might be true of all knockback abilities, but Auriel's in particular confused me for a while.

Alex Ivanyuk

Thank you for the guide. Is Auriel good as a solo support ? I remember back in a days she was mainly used in double support + hypercarry setup.


Yeah she can be good solo support to, as long as you have a good energy generator as DPS. Only weakness is when both you and your damage is chunked and cannot do damage anymore, then you effectively don't get any more hope for healing, so try to avoid that situation.

Ben Sch

Hey Fan, do you know if Auriel's 13 Converging Force can interrupt a channeled spell like Mosh?