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All you need to know about every build and talent for Gazlowe. I cover 3 builds that I see him played with as well as talent variations in those builds! Lots of Gazlowe specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! If I missed anything feel free to ask in comments section.

I know this one is out of alphabetical order but Xplodium on my stream donated for this one to be pushed up the queue!



Once again, thank you for the great guide! :)

Chih Hao Lin

Can you briefly talk about why you would pick gazlowe against the enemy team?


He is a solid hero, can do camps well, good self sustain, can tech unstoppable and use turrets as wards, very safe play. Most people play him either because they enjoy him or when the omega broken offlaners(hogger, dehaka) are banned and options are more open.