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All you need to know about every build and talent for Anduin! Lots of Anduin specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! If I missed anything feel free to ask in comments section. MANDUIN ONLINE!



In low elo I have been top dps as manduin with dmg, kills and even set up engage for my team. It's insane... Never knew about the power of manduin.


Glad to hear that! I've heard a lot of good things about manduin especially under diamond, it can help defend yourself if your team won't help you out.

László Török

Hi Fan, What do you think about the 2nd Anduin build, where you would take W talent at 4, and desperate player at 7 instead the ones you mentioned. In this way you could aa more safely with 6.6 aa range. Thank you for the guide and for your answer in advance. :)


That's perfectly fine too, his talents are pretty flexible and that is a safe healer variation.