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All you need to know about every build and talent for Ana! Lots of Ana specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! If I missed anything feel free to ask in comments section. Sergeant Ana explained as well!



You already mentioned this in the Ding build, but Spell Power reduction is also a nice tech in E build since it just needs E4 to shine. Yes, you do miss out on the %dmg, but if they have some high spell damage hero you really want to shut down, I think it's a valid choice in E build as well. Especially since you're not dishing out the 8% that fast (E cd is not that short), your team might still need some other form of %dmg to help kill high HP targets. And say a W build Diablo might be more annoyed by having half his W healing denied than one instance of 8% max health as damage.

Ivaylo Nikolov

Hi Fan. I'm catching up with the videos, really helpful stuff, enjoying the Patreon content. Watching this one got me thinking- Do increased healing buffs stack? For example Stitches' lvl 1 talent Patchwork Creation or Hogger's lvl 4 "Hogger's Joggers" stack with Ana grenade.


I believe they do, this is a very rare occurrence so not 100% sure, but I am 100% sure that healing debuffs stack, so this should work the same way.


I like Eye of Horus for when the team isn't grouping as much. Usually a side lane will get ganked, and you will be with your primary group (because that is where your tank is), so if they dive you, they just die, but you can save people from any part of the map and secure a few kills too. I don't even usually use most of the shots, just enough to keep them from dying, then depending what's happening i'll top someone else off or just drop it. Helps a lot when they gank just before an objective, so it's 5v5 instead of 4v5.