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All you need to know about every build and talent for Alarak! Lots of Alarak specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! If I missed anything feel free to ask in comments section.



I'm loving these guides - they are incredibly helpful to pick up new heroes! As I'm watching these comprehensive videos I love the build orders but am also hoping you can help answer the following questions for Alarak as well as future comprehensive builds? - When to Draft & Counters? Any strong synergies with other hero's? - Maps this hero should be played on or avoided? - General play style/role? (soak, gank, roam, camp etc.) I know this you cover some of this in the exp and tier list explanations but would love to have just a quick segment in each of the comprehensive guides as well since I'm sometimes still left with questions on how I should be playing the hero at each section of the game as well as what I should be looking for to get an advantage. Either way, appreciate you fan! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!


Usually drafted in the 4 man, the more CC the comp has the better as he is a melee CC hero that wants to kill things. He also has no waveclear and bad camp clear so ideally your team already has other heroes good at those things. Can also be drafted in a solo lane, better for 2 lane maps since he has no waveclear. If its a 3 lane map you need to fight the other offlaner so they can't just clear the wave and leave or you will get outsoaked by a lot. Synergizes well with CC heroes like I mentioned earlier, pull into silence into chain CC is very strong. Also since he has a controllable displacement, any AOE CC is very good combo for him. A common one is Mei + Alarak, Mei puts down W, Alarak shoves them into it. As long as you do these things he is playable on pretty much any map.

Mario Lingua

HI man, sorry for the silly question, but yesterday I played against this guy, I can't understand how he can have a win rate this high! 93,3%, wtf! https://www.heroesprofile.com/Profile/?blizz_id=13896272&battletag=Ninja&region=2 I thought pros only had about 70% win rate... ?


Quite simply it is a one trick who 5 stacks. Nothing complicated about it.


Nice video again! The difficulty I have with Kerri & Alarak is that when you are skirmishing, usually the opponent is sidestepping a lot. How do we engage against someone like that in 1v1 where they have the easier skillshot. I don't have issues missing skillshots with tanks because you can usually dip out, but with MA if you all in and miss you are almost always dead or chunked.


Usually I find the best way to not miss is to not hesitate, the second you are in range just go for the combo and then go from there. If you are missing a lot still there might be something in the replay to help identify what the problem is.


Exellent guide! Which build is good vs the enemy comp? For example, when is the pikachu build prefered over a combo based one?

Lucie Římanová

Seeing as I don't play Alarak and don't know that much about his specific builds, this was incredibly useful! Thank you! Now if enemy team first picks Alarak, what would be your suggested hard counter line up? I understand it's about player skill rather than just a hero, but I'm still curious.


Well if you are solo laning usually the Q build becomes automatically the best because the level 1 lifesteal is huge in a 1v1, and since alarak has no waveclear your only wave of winning a solo lane is by winning the 1v1. If you are in the 4 man then all 3 builds are viable. Combo(show of force) and Q Build are both pretty strong early - mid game so if you want to be strong during early-mid game and snowball these are good options. Combo build is higher risk higher reward, it will cap out with more damage but if you die you will be weaker as well, Q build is more consistent. E Build(Pikachu) is more of a late game scaling build, so if you think the game will go pretty late then can be good. It is also weak in the early game so if you have too many other scaling heroes, you probably don't want to do this or you'll never make it to the late game. Also E build is usually better the more melees/low range heroes the enemies have since they will clump more, easier to stack on.


Unstoppable heroes or long range heroes are probably the best bet if you are afraid of an alarak, he doesn't have any hard counters but these can make it hard for him to combo. Playstyle wise there are a lot of ways to counter him, if his team lacks waveclear(alarak has 0 waveclear and sucks at mercs) you could potentially just avoid him and try to outmacro him by split pushing and mercing like crazy. Focus firing alarak whenever possible is important to make sure he loses sadism whenever possible, almost always the highest priority in a fight. Sidestepping or very skinny heroes can help too, if you know his combo range start moving erratically when he enters that range from you, it will make it much harder for him to hit the combo.


Once again, great guide! I have 2 questions: First, on a higher level game do you usually take Alarak to try and one shot a very annoying and well protected player (Like a Chromie, Sgt. Hammer) or do you have something else in mind when drafting him? Second, why does Sindragosa get the last laugh? D:


Either one shot them or pull them enough into your team for your team to kill them yeah. One shot requires a lot of sadism so not easy. Sindragosa OP