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All you need to know about every build and talent for Abathur! Lots of Abathur specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well!

We added some editing to this video this time around, won't be able to do that for every video as it takes a long time but will try to do it here and there when time allows!



Thanks Fan…I’m a horrible Aba player. A lot of times I’m never sure whether I should be hatting or pushing a lane or attacking something else. This helps a bit.


Yeah generally order is hat whenever someone is fighting, soak/push minion waves otherwise. Soak gets more priority if you have no one else on your team soaking it at all, fighting gets more priority if there is almost a kill or a death that you can help secure/prevent.


Great guide Fan. I think having an overexplained video for each hero of actual game play where you focus more on your real time decision making would be the ultimate pairing for these guides!


Yeah will be a good idea for future videos once I complete the initial videos for each hero, until then, you can pair it with my youtube which probably has an overexplained video of most heroes by now.

Adam Hazlewood

We drilled map awareness by setting a loud 5 second timer that ran all through the game. Every time it beeps, look at the mini map. It doesn’t take long to make the habit. Worth :)


Thats a good idea! Yeah something of this sort is often needed to train map awareness quickly


I feel like with Aba the thing missing here is when to hat, and having the map awareness to know that your ally is in danger or engaging, so you should hat them. Also, is it worth to disengage the hat while the hat abilities are on cooldown?


I usually would not disengage the hat while abilities are on CD if the fight is ongoing, not worth it at all IMO. As for when to hat, if nothing is happening hatting for soak is always good, if fights are happening priority goes to the person about to die, if no one is about to die then hatting anyone in close range of enemies should be fine(preferably a good hat target like illidan,genji,zera,mura,etc). Map awareness is a thing that just takes practice unfortunately, lots of trying to force yourself to constantly look at the map and it should improve over many games of that. I used to look at the minimap at least every 5 seconds or so when I was playing professionally.

Lucie Římanová

Thank you for this. Great idea to cover each hero with your comprehensive guides. I'm an Aba beginner so this should help. Sadly I'm an EU bronze 3,mid to hard stuck due to games of frustration with da nerds and bad plays in my part as well, so whenever I see Aba pick, it's a 50/50 coin toss. Even a good Aba I had on my team yesterday still went Monstro. We won, just barely. Wish there was a magic solution to Monstro blight 😕


Very nice guide, lot of things covered. :) Good job fan! One thing to add would be, when you got some voice communications on going, you can use mines with stitches hook or artanis, to kill them or trap them. But its mostly for fun ofc, map control is mostly the key in match.


Hi Fan! Really interesting and helpful guide. As we can see in your videos aba can be really a nightmare.. that’s why I would like to ask you how we can counter him.. I mean which heroes or strategy we could use?


There's two main ways to counter abathur IMO, first way is with strong pushers(hammer,sylvanas, and so on) and the second way is by playing heroes that are very strong as a 5 man deathball as often as you can(double healer, zarya, and so on). You can even combine these(play a zarya hammer comp, or a double healer +sylv comp for example) Usually you want a very tanky offlaner that will not be easily killed by an abathur+assassin combo, and just 4 or 5 man group up for objs/camp pushes as often as possible. Abathur comps tend to not do as well in 5v5s, they excel more at picking people off.


I wouldn't worry about it too much. In bronze, an abathur going monstro or ultimate evo barely matters in the grand scheme of the game. That decision by itself will have very little effect on whether you win or lose a bronze game. How well everyone actually plays the game will matter much more.


Just wanna comment that this guide was really good! Thank you for the content as always!

Lucie Římanová

Yeah, I guess you're right. Gotta get rid of the "constant 4v5" mindset. Thank you for smacking some sense in my sorry ass. Case and point, we won that game. Despite Aba Monstro and solo laning/feeding Tracer. What's up with this solo lane Tracer bs in low leagues anyway 😄