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Hey Guys, holding another Q&A where you can ask me about anything you have been wondering or are unsure of in HOTS. Feel free to ask in detail about any particular situation you'd want my input on, ill check back and reply to everyone whenever I can!


Alex Ivanyuk

Hi Fan. When you play offlane how to deal with range dd on your lane who constantly harassing you ? Something like valla/lunara vs leorick/dehaka? Or, for example, tychus comes to visit me so I stand 1v2?


If its a pure 1v1 it can be pretty hard, the easiest way is to tell your team to gank them since ranged dd are squishy and easy to gank compared to real offlaners. You also want to abuse bush control as much as possible, always hide in the side bushes near the lane in order to not take harass damage and if played well the ranged hero should be zoned away from going anywhere near the bush or you can hit them with your skillshots. Any damage you land on a ranged dd is permanent since they cant self heal, whereas most offlaners have sustain so as long as you land some damage you can sometimes just outsustain them. If it is a 1v2 gank then you should just be running away as best you can, you should pretty much never be fighting 1v2 just let them push and soak the wave at your tower or fort. If you call out 2 people in your lane to your team, they should be doing something else on the map with a 4v3 advantage.

Jason Sanchez

Great guides! Any chance you do one for Volskaya Foundry?


Yeah I will add some for the maps that aren't in the ranked rotation sometime soon too, on the to do list!