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Not sure who you should be hitting in teamfights? I explain who to target in teamfights and why, and what you should be considering every step of the way!


László Török

Hi Fan! I would have another question about how to play against stiches as tank. A few games ago I played mei against stiches and I found it really difficult to make it work ( probably cus I play like a real pepega that game). Hooks were popping out of nowhere. Even when I got hooked it felt like the enemy team threw a whole truck at me and I instantly died almost every time. I found it really difficult to anchor any bushes or scout because the stiches literally hooked every spot, bush he could. What are some general advice you would give on how to play against stiches? Thank you for the video! c:

László Török

A video about the untiltable mentality would be amazing, because sometimes I can't help myself. And probably many players feel like that too. c:


Every player gets tilted sometimes, no such thing as untiltable really. If you get tilted best thing to do is usually take a break until you don't feel that way anymore.


Usually engaging vs stitches any time he is not in a fort or keep is good, stitches is pretty weak in a fair fight unless he gets a hook before your team can react. In your case it sounds like his team has much more vision than yours does, which means you were already behind the whole time. It could be because they are fighting better or waveclearing more or anything. If they have control of the map, then there's not much you can do other then try to dodge the hook. Best bet is to watch the replay and figure out how you started losing in the first place and don't let that happen next time.


Hi Fan, I have a question about engagement as a tank. The higher rank I get, the more I realize players are not spamming their abilities anymore. In that case, how do I engage as a tank when both teams are holding onto their abilities? I feel like every time I try to "force" something out of nothing I get punished so hard. Your advice is much appreciated.


So in your video you mention it’s not very efficient to hit the tank ..but sometimes as a ranged assassin it’s the only person you can hit right? Esp if their squishies are playing safe? Is that still bad or inefficient play?


You mean as the other tank? If you can get some damage in for free then it is fine if there is absolutely no other squishes you can reach. Often times reaching a squishy as a tank involves some level of surprise or flanking though so a lot of lazier tanks will convince themselves they cant reach any squishies when in reality they just arent trying very hard.


Great content. Healers next? A lot of low-rank players pick healers cause it's similar playstyle like in ARAM


Hello Professor Fan! Great video, amazing to see this content from you, keep up the fantastic work. Just want to make sure of something: When playing tanks like ETC or Anub'arak you should have the mentality of sparing your CC kit by waiting for the enemy's kit to be used so you can peel more easily or they can't peel your at last picked target right? Or is this the mentality for all tanks in the game? Or are some tanks that should be more proactive than others? And also... ur mom KEKW


Yeah healers will be more focused on targeting teammates as well, have to plan a lot and think about how to make that video but will be coming up!


It really just depends, you don't always have to wait for the other tank to go first. You do that when you don't see a good opportunity. However if someone on other team is clearly out of position and your CC will kill them, then you should do that immediately whenever the opportunity presents itself. Also your mom


Did you make a guide about the psychological aspect in hots? :) I mean, in lower until mid league you get often teammates who are showing bad behavior and sabotage purposely games. I mostly play tank and quite often some mates try to init because of impatience and all the whole team is following and dying. After they blame mostly the tank for not doing like they say. I mean, i know, you can't change peoples minds and a discussion wouldn't be productive - but is there something you can do, without muting them?


You get those kind of people in every rank not just low ranks. Unfortunately there is no magical response, the best thing you can do is keep yourself from tilting, there are some tricks for that one that I could make a video about. If they are already blaming you though, there is nothing you can really do to fix it except to mute them and play on. Arguing or talking at all usually makes that situation worse.


Thanks fan, very appreciate it. :) I mostly try to be positive in chat, but it doesn't work all the time. Sometimes they get over it and focus on the game again, but frustration is always near.