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I talk about how to counterpick your opponents during the draft, what you should be thinking about, and some common heroes that most players have trouble dealing with and examples of good counterpicks against them.


Doug Hill

Who are some good counterpicks for artanis? I know that blinds work but I’m curious if you have any additional thoughts


Big thing to keep in mind vs Artanis is that he is only tanky if he can constantly be autoattacking as every autoattack reduces the cooldown of his shield, so outside of blind, an good habit is to try to kite him as much as possible with any character. Malthael vs Artanis for example will always be an Artanis win if both are constantly hitting each other, however if the Malthael marks him and then just kites while spamming Q, the matchup changes to favor Malthael. You can also draft any CC as while he is CC'd he is unable to autoattack, chain stuns, or roots are always solid vs melee assassins that have to dive. Artanis is also far better in small skirmishes (1v1,2v2,1v2,etc) then a full teamfight so if you cant beat him 1v1, then just play safe and try to focus him down in a teamfight. He is not as tanky as other offlaners and will struggle to survive if a full team is there to hit him.

Doug Hill
