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I talk about what happens in my head during every draft and how to build a well rounded team by thinking about the opponent teams strengths and your own teams weaknesses and adjusting your pick accordingly.


péter Ormai

What would be the best approach on silver , if i try to flex every time and tryy to reach this ideal team comp or just stick with a hero that can do lot of thing like hogger?


One tricking is usually a faster way to climb ranks, but if you want a mastery of the game eventually you'll have to flex more and play other heroes. For silver, probably hogger.

Mr. Shovel

Hello Fan, video is very informative, thanks for that. However in this particular case, during Tychus draft phase, you explain that you would look for 1) mobility 2) % dmg 3) perhaps more camp/wave clear. You did not consider Falstad, who seem to check all the boxes and on top of that could match Dehaka's global and has very impactful ult. Was this just an oversight or is there any good reason why Falstad was not considered? Keep up the good work!


Falstad's percent damage is not great, I don't consider him a % damage dealer for the most part, but he is a viable pick there. If you need to kill a diablo or something tanky, falstads percent damage is a tickle, others like tychus or greymane pack a much bigger punch.

Mario Lingua

Hi Fan, if waveclear is priority 1, actually ensuring that there is a tank and an healer is "priority 0", right? :)


Sure you could say having those is priority 0, although even if you don't I would still try to play the game, I've seen teams without tank or healer win plenty of times at all ranks.

Mario Lingua

Thanks. If my team has no wave clear but also miss an healer, and something like reghar was unavailable, I would still prioritize healer to wave clear. Same for tank, even if in theory you can win without those roles, but seems much harder!


Hi Fan, I have been looking for a video like this on drafting, without success. Glad to find it on your patreon. What do you think is a better strategy for solo queue - first picking a strong meta first pick for the map or flexing for the team. I feel like removing your teams ability to mess up the draft is better.

Thibault Delsol

Hello Fan, thanks for the video. Any word on the order of picks and bans? I feel like there would be much to say on this. I was master for 3 seasons but I still never know who should first pick, what role to prioritise, and such...


Usually I like first picking the strongest heroes (Tier S heroes on my tierlist) as those are not easily counterable and its good to pick them before they get picked/banned by other team, and last picking very niche counterable tech picks like sgt hammer, illidan, etc. Outside of that it doesnt matter too much.


Hey Fan. I have a question. On most maps the optimal way to play is to run a 4 man and a solo laner, being it either a solo laner that stays in his lane or double soaking. I don't understand how this applies to large 3 lane maps like Garden of Terror, Alterac Pass and Cursed Hollow since the 4 man can't really commit to a rotation from MID to BOT, jungle is too spaced out then they would miss some soak right? I don't know if lane setups will be advancedly covered in patreon, is there any sort of optimal strategy in these maps that should influence the overall draft in some way? <3


Yeah on maps like that the 4 man should be doing camps the second they spawn, that breaks up the 4 man. After that defending enemy camps, pushing with your own camps, or ganking is all fine as long as you make sure to not miss soak. It wont really be 4 man rotation at that stage, more like everyone constantly rotating to gain value somehow. Usually regroup at the obj spawn