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Learn about the basics of drafting and the most common types of team compositions in this introductory video to drafting! Keep in mind that even if your draft goes badly, unless you are high grandmaster, any game is winnable with any draft so don't give up just from a bad draft!


Aaron Sabin

Hey Fan, In navigating time constraints and limited hero mastery, I find myself torn between two drafting strategies: assembling a hero pool based on the problems they solve (such as wave clear or carry potential) versus selecting a set of 3-5 favorite heroes and drafting them opportunistically. While on paper, the former seems logical, the practicality of not knowing enemy or ally picks poses a challenge. Given my capacity for only about 10 games per week and a desire to maintain mastery on a select few heroes, what practical approach to drafting would you recommend to optimize my gameplay experience? Is it more intuition? or do you follow some rules of thumb?


I would suggest focusing on 2 or 3 heroes you like playing the most to get the most amount of practice time on the same heroes, this is generally the fastest way to climb ranks with limited time. You can always pick them early as well and hopefully the other picks on your team will fill the holes in the draft.

Aaron Sabin

Thanks Fan! I'll limit my primary role to 3 heroes. I have 2 heroes per role if I have to fill just in case--is that why you suggest drafting early? Last night I had to fight the urge every game to draft the "Perfect" counter on paper--it ended up working anyway, I went 3-0.