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Hey everyone! Now that you've had a bit of time to look over the material, feel free to ask any questions you might have that are unanswered here or below the posts that are relevant for the question! I will be looking through and answering as many as possible for this Q&A #1!

I will also be constantly adding new materials to the Patreon as well so feel free to suggest anything you would like to see in terms of educational HOTS material!


Josh S

Hi Fan. How important is playing with cam unlocked? I feel like its gotta be pretty important, but I generally fair better playing on locked cam and just moving my mouse around to see stuff out of screen


Unlocked camera is better for map awareness, locked camera is better for microing your own hero in teamfights and in general. Its not a big deal there are high GM players that use both types but you probably have to work a bit more on awareness of what's happening outside of your screen if you're locked cam.


Hi Fan. I have a general question for you, and is the main reason I've joined your Patreon. In addition, I'm assuming/hoping that I'm not the only one with this type of question. After a couple of years as a bronze solo Q-er, I've found it impossible to consistently climb. This season of Storm League is especially bad (trolls and those who have zero experience in the game playing ranked), and I'm wondering, in your honest opinion, is it even worth trying to climb bronze as a solo? My friends have topped out a Platinum, and most are consistently gold, so I've played with higher ranked people and it has been established that I'm "pretty darn good" in the general sense of the word. What does it take to consistently climb, and is it even worth the time to attempt to do so? For reference, I'm a level ~1900 player, with a Cassia ~250, Johanna ~150 and Anduin ~150 being my mains, in addition to a pool of other heroes I'm very comfortable with.


Depends on a couple of things, how many points do you win/lose per game, if its a lot less than 200 then your account might be hardstuck, making a new account and playing on that one could be faster if you just want to see if you can make it out of bronze. The most important things to consistently climb is to just focus on slowly improving your own play and not tilt. It takes a lot of games consistently performing at a level above your current rank in order to climb, it doesn't happen fast. If you are not consistent with your skill level, then you might never climb. Trolls are mathematically good for you since there is more chance for them to be on the other team (5 spots on other team, only 4 on yours). If you look at a game with a troll and find a mistake you made and try to not make it again, you just got better. If you get frustrated and blame the troll you did not get any better. Whether or not it is worth it is up to you, no one else can really answer that for you.