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The best early game start is to do camps at 1 minute. Usually it is better to start with firebat camp since it is safer with you taking less damage, less likely to be invaded. Do not try to do both camps at the same time, this is very dangerous and you basically automatically lose to any invades because your team is too split to defend either side. Better to do the camps 1 at a time, 1 right after the other. 

When the first 4 nukes spawn, you should be trying to get 2 out of the 4 nukes. Always position your nuke so it hits both the towers and the fort/keep. This positioning is both easy to do and is extremely important, a nuke that hits every building possible(fort/keep + both towers+gate) is probably around 50% of a sky temple shrine for example. A nuke that only hits the fort or keep is only around 20% of a sky temple shrine. There is a way to position so you can do this and do not get hit by towers at all so if you find yourself tanking towers while channeling the nuke, you are not doing it optimally.

Watchtower control is extremely important on this map, if you control both watchtowers you basically see the whole map, so always try to have at least 1 under your teams control. A tanks main role on this map is to secure at least one of these for his team at all times. 

Rotating well matters a lot on this map as well, because it is too big to double soak easily. This means you will usually have 1 person in each lane just soaking, which is very vulnerable to ganks. Using tunnel to double soak top and bottom is possible but not reliable, if opponent has either watchtower they can see you doing it and can easily interrupt it. 

Important: On warhead the most important lane to push and nuke is top lane, so ideally drop most of the nukes on top lane. This is because it is the boss lane and the boss on this map does a ton of damage, which means it pushes very hard with heroes behind it. 

Because both the objective and the boss are so good at structural damage, at the highest level, 2 nukes and a boss is all that is needed to kill the core on this map, even with a keep and full wall up, so saving nukes and trying to do boss even at the cost of soak is good on this map and this map only. If you ever do get the boss, it is almost always better to immediately push with all 5 heroes ignoring soak or even enemy camps on this map only.


Samuel Leblanc

Do the nukes damage increase over time or is it flat numbers?


I believe it should be this: Nukes deal 2,300 (+70 every minute, up to 4,050 damage) damage across the entire area of impact. For example, at minute 20, they deal 3,700 damage. The exception is heroes. Nukes hit Heroes for 30% of their maximum Health.