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The best early game start is to do pumpkin camps at 1 minute. Towers is an easy map for opponents to invade your camp, so be on the lookout for that. If your 4v4 is weaker for sure, it might be better to roam top and get the top camp instead. Make sure your team knows this before you attempt it or they will all die and blame you.

Once you capture the camp it is very important to try to escort the sappers into the enemy buildings. They do a ton of structure damage and are very worth it if you can make sure they get the explosion off. If you just do the camp and leave it will likely get cleared easily and get nothing done. 

When objectives spawn, it is normal for the weaker team to lose 2 out of the 3 altars. Core hit points do not matter until they go to 0, so if you have a late game scaling team you can give up some early alters without worrying about it too much. 

The most important lane on towers is bottom lane by far, so you should always try to push the bottom fort if given a choice. This is because the two pumpkin camps on bottom lane allow you to constantly pressure core shots if you control the enemy bottom fort. 

If you take the enemy bottom fort, you should always be defending it. The most common split in this situation is to just sit under the fort with 3 or 4 heroes, and have the solo laner double soak. If you have 3 under the fort, the roamer can go soak middle if needed or do bottom camps, once those are done the roamer can come back and try to force the pumpkins into the enemies dead zone for core shots.

Important: If you lose your bottom fort, it is almost never the right play to try to take it back because taking it back with enemy team defending it is often impossible. Instead you should immediately try to play on the top side of the map and take their top fort to equalize the situation. If enemy team is defending bot then you can outnumber top. 

Only go back bottom in order to defend pumpkins from going into your dead zone. If they react and go top then at least you can fight them not under a fort, or you can try to out rotate them and aim to take bot fort back once they are not there anymore. Most players in storm league do not do this and instead just ram their head into the defended bot fort. This is the quickest way to lose on towers.



Is boss considered weak and dangerous on this map due to it's location and barely being worth more than a punkin' camp that makes it to the enemy core?