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The best early game start is to camp at 1 minute. Usually it is better to start with siege giants camp since it is safer with you taking less damage, less likely to be invaded. Do not try to do both camps at the same time, this is very dangerous and you basically automatically lose to any invades because your team is too split to defend either side. Better to do the camps 1 at a time, 1 right after the other.

 If you know the enemy team is starting knight camp first, then invading their easy camp is an easy way to get ahead early game. Knight camp takes a long time and is so far away that it is almost impossible to defend a 4 man invade on the easy camp if they do start knights. 

The standard lane storm league lane setup is 4 man rotates mid-bottom and does camps, while your solo laner either rotates mid-top for double soak or stays top to keep control of the shrine. If your solo laner is good at taking camps, then make sure someone goes to cover the soak while he does camps. Both camps should be done before first shrine phase begins.

A useful piece of information about this map is that a temple will kill the full fort/keep if the wall is already dead, but will not if the wall is alive. Thus, if you do a camp faster than the other team and have time to push with it, getting top fort wall with your first knights means that the full top shrine will kill the fort, so you should prioritize top shrine if you manage to do this. 

Otherwise, the general rule of thumb on sky temple is the winning team wants to trade temples(an equal trade in buildings means you will remain winning), while the losing team wants to fight and not trade for a chance to comeback.

Boss is generally how the game ends but is also a throw pit due to the central location and boss tornado, very dangerous to do unless you have at least 2 people more than the enemy team or some reliable way to secure cap(holy ground, sanct, expulsion, gust, etc)


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