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The best early game start is to do your own khazra impaler(siege) camp at 1 minute, this is the safest camp on the map to do for your team as long as your tank is anchoring the bush next to it. 

If you get an early lead through kill or waveclear advantage(priority), then you can try to take the bottom khazra camp. If you are stronger 4v4 or have global or faster rotating solo laner, you can also try to invade the enemy khazra camp at 1 minute mark. 

Try to do the shaman camp(knight) as soon as it is safe to do so, definitely do this before the first objective spawns. An uncontested shaman camp is often stronger than the first punisher, so make sure someone defends if this is pushing against you. Alternatively, it is not a bad idea to give up first shrine and push with shaman camp if you can convince your team to not feed while doing so. 

In higher ranks it is still best to not give up soak during early shrines but if your team wants to 4v5 no matter what, then go with them even though it is often not the best play. 

Important: If both sides contest shrine and 1 side loses, the losing side suffers an extremely bad loss. For example if it is 40-39, the side with 39 shrine minions gets nothing at all, yet they spent the same amount of time and resources at the shrine as the winning side, so in a sense they not only lost 1 punisher, but 2(they didnt get their own punisher AND the other team got a punisher). 

This is why giving up shrine completely to get value elsewhere(do all the camps on the map, split push on opposite side of the map until shrine is almost capped) is much better than contesting a losing shrine. If you have great split pushers or a late game centric team comp, giving a few shrines is fine if you can convince your team to do useful things elsewhere.

If you are going to fight shrine, you should win at all costs so picking strong aoe shrine heroes is important. This can be heroes like Hogger, Kerrigan, Many aoe Offlaners, Junkrat or other AOE mages, Tychus Odin, Alexstraza for Dragon on Shrine, etc.



What is considered the best strategy for defending/pushing with the punisher? I feel like defending with less than what the enemy pushes with can be quite dangerous as the punisher can prioritize heroes.


Yeah generally you want to defend with at least as many heroes as the enemy team is pushing with. Usually it should be 4v4 with offlane soaking. If you have less, sometimes you just want to give up the fort and wait for your other heroes to respawn or get there, and defend the keep instead.