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Sgt Hammer is a strong hero that can fulfill both the role of ranged damage and split push/siege. This is one of the deadliest heroes if last picked in a draft and the other team has no answers for it, but to do that you will need to understand how to play it well and understand exactly when to draft it and when not to. We will go over all this and more in this video!

All you need to know about every build and talent for Sgt Hammer! Lots of Sgt Hammer specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! There will also be a Sgt Hammer Grandmaster VOD Analysis(in a separate post) to add even more coverage to the hero!



Thank you very much for the guide Fan :)

Alexander Bardoczy

Hi Fan, could u give us please few points when to draft Hammer, and when not to? What would be few e.g. scenarios when you would last pick hammer, and really outdraft enemy team with that last pick. Thanks a lot for your answer!


Generally, any time there are short ranged heroes hammer is a great pick, so as long as they dont have a longrange massive threat like liming/chromie/stitches/stukov/guldan(ebuild)/junkrat Most other heroes cannot do much as you use hover seige to attack them and move back and rinse and repeat, taking advantage of your massive range. If they dive you unstoppable and W knockback should be able to stop most dives.