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  • Inazuma Bunnys Club WIP 3.mp4
  • Inazuma Bunnys Club WIP 2.mp4
  • Inazuma Bunnys Club WIP 4.mp4





By some miracle I have managed to finish the main/longest scene as well as the first of the individual scene. Please see the clips here:

Main scene: WIP2 | WIP3 (no sound)
just Sara: WIP4 (has sound)

This time I have put extra effort on tuning the characters' faces, especially lip syncing. It's the same way as I did in the last video, except I went way overboard again, as shown by the number of timestamps in the Timeline above. Anyways, I'm just going to make sliiiight adjustments to the number of voicelines for the remaining scenes that I have not done yet...

For Sara's scene I've utilized a "new" method for animating the movement - by using node constraints. It is extensively used by other creators, but if the constraints need to be disable in the middle of the scene (e.g. in Office Overtime: Jean's left hand letting go of her breast), the body parts - most notably the hands - tend to "snap back" to their original positions. So you either cut that frame in the video out or you simply do not disable the constraints i.e. body parts stay still where they are for the entire scene. As you might have guessed, I opted for the former solution instead.

But I've also made improvements on animating the characters' breasts! Please take a look at Sara's beautiful breasts!!!

This new animating method saves me a lot of time, so I hope to release the video by  next weekend (20.05/21.05), or at the latest, on the 24th. Thank you all for your patience, and have a good week!


主體: WIP2 | WIP3 (無聲)
裟羅: WIP4 (有聲)


裟羅的那一段我用了node constraints來製造動作。對其他的creator來說當然很泛用,但當那些constraints/束縛解開的時候(如Office Overtime - 深夜加班裏, 琴把左手放開胸部的時候), 那些身體部位 - 尤其手部 - 經常會彈回去原本的位置。解決方法就只有剪掉影片裡的那一格,或者不要解開束縛 i.e. 那部位在整段中也不會動彈。如你所想一樣,我選擇了前一個選項。

除此之外我也改善了胸部方面的動作! 請看裟羅漂亮的雙乳!!!




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