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  • Inazuma Bunnys Club WIP 1.mp4





Last week I was pretty busy, so I had only decorated the map and done the intro scenes, which are actually short this time at around 45 seconds (www). But I will have more time starting from this week, so I can finally get started with the "actions". Still, I had learnt how to do the most basic of animations last night - the walking animation. Please take a look at it here or see attachment.

The title of the new video will be Inazuma Bunnys Club - If you want to know what it is a reference to, please turn on a VPN (optional), use incognito mode (optional) and search for the title name - except replace "Inazuma" with a Japanese city name. Y'know, the biggest and probably most famous city in the world.

This time I actually wrote a script (!) and, instead of making the animations and then search for voice lines that fits, I've decided to build/arrange the audio tracks first, and use it as timing references. It is awkward sometimes to cut and stitch together Koikatsu voice clips, as the characters' tones would change and sound weird - therefore it is often best to let the clips play out fully, hence making the audio tracks first. So far I've done the audio for half of the video, but next up I will be animating the longest scene first (with the audio seen in the last image) and see how it goes.

That's about it, see you and have a good week!

上周確實有點忙,所以只修飾了一下地圖及做了開場的部份 - 這次真的是短的哦(~45秒www)。但這周開始時間會多一點,可以開始做"做運動"的部份。但昨晚還是學了動畫的基本: 走路的動作。請到這裡看或下載附件。

新影片的標題將會是稻妻兔子俱樂部 - 想知道名字從哪裡來的話,請自行用VPN及匿名模式(非必要)搜尋 XXXXX Bunnys Club。"XXXXX" 為某日本超大型城市的英文名稱。



Original character cards:
Raiden by マキス: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/103425577
Sara by DPB: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/106100821
Yae by AKATO: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/96809445
Aether by ActualE: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/104435383 

Background scene by 阿曼達·木子: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/103538041



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