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As part of the changes to my Patron, I'll be showing you more work in progress like this. My posts will be more spontaneous, uploading panels as I work on them, so you can virtually look over my shoulder and see what I'm doing. After all, as a Patron you're supporting my work, so I think you should be included in the creative process :)

With that in mind, here's another sneaky peek at the D&D comic I'm currently working on. This cover panel is shamelessly ripped off from my favourite D&D cover, The Ruins Of Undermountain by Brom - I love how intriquing it looks :)

This is the first panel for a short interactive comic I've designed that will utilise Instagram's video slideshow feature. Unlike a regular Totty comic, each panel will be a video containing multiple panels or looping animations. You'll be able to choose which path I take and try to avoid the perils along the way. It should feel like a mixture of the old 'Choose Your Own Adventure' books and the arcade classic, Dragon's Lair.

This D&D-themed comic is a bit of a one-off experiment and it'll be fairly short and sweet, but if the interactive aspect works, I could apply a similar technique to longer, serialised stories with multiple short chapters. 

Right, back to work! 

Totty x




Love the idea and love the design of the panel and the outfit! Excited to see more


What class are you Totty?