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Hello there,

Thank you for all your kind comments and messages over the last couple of days. Many of you have deleted your membership and no longer wish to support me - I fully understand. Thank you for your patronage - I really do appreciate it :)

To the Patrons who are sticking around to support me through thick and thin, your loyalty will be rewarded! I have lots of new ideas to keep Patreon alive. In preparation, I've just bought a pair of shiny new gloves!🧤🧤

There will be some changes... Comics will migrate to Instagram, (if they're going to be leaked, I might as well leak them first!) My Patreon will continue with more behind the scenes posts and much more interaction incuding Q&As, polls, competitions and live chats. 

I'll be back soon with more details. Thank you for your patience this week :)

Totty x

PS. If anyone would like to buy a pair of tatty old Totty gloves, DM me with your best offer. They might be useful if you're building a scarecrow :)




Glad to hear you’re not throwing in the towel, I love logging in and seeing new content from you! I don’t have an Instagram, are you also going to upload your comics to Twitter/X?


Thank you Newbie! I'd like to post comics on X, but it's not great for posting multiple images - there's no slideshow feature. I could post them simultaneously on IG and Patreon, then leaks wouldn't really matter. I'm going post a poll soon to find out what Patrons would prefer :) T x


Truly we live in a new age of piracy. In a lot of ways I celebrate it, because it evens a lot of playing fields and allows groups to access things they might never have a chance of; I say this as someone going back to college and seeing the prices of textbooks that barely get used in class. On the other hand, it sucks super hard when it causes harm to small creators who actually do rely on the help and good will of their communities.


Yes, it's a double edged sword. I think posting content behind a paywall is perhaps a mistake for small creators like myself - it's just asking for trouble! But I'd also like to be able to provide something exclusive for people who are supporting me. It's a tricky business 🤔