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The Sims 4 For Rent expansion is about to come out. With it, new features to explore. Rental units, property management, secrets and secret stealing? (I mean this seems way more devious than robbers, robbers just steal your TV, not read your journal, but I’ll take it). There’s a lot to explore with this new expansion, and a lot of code changes to chew over. I’m sure WP will need some more patches after the pack releases in a couple of hours. Regardless, I want my patrons to have access to the patch as soon as possible, so here’s the Patch for the Pre-Patch. Please remember to upgrade your other mods. Wicked Whims, Basemental Drugs, and the Tuning Error Notifier if you use it (not a requirement, just another mod I help maintain which was acting up with WP while I was working on the patch).

Happy Simming!


julie ferris

I'm having a recurring error where the hallucination when my sim is two doses drenched won't leave and my game is stuck unable to travel or save. Is there a way to fix this?


Oh gosh, That's not good at all. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!!! Where are you using drenched amy? Are you getting any Last Execptions (LE)? If so, then can you please send them to me using a free, no account needed service such as pastebin.com (just copy the text of the last exception into the the text box, hit the 'create a new paste button' and then send me the URL of the resulting page)? You can also send me the LE on discord, but if neither of these methods work then we can find another way.

Richard Pasco

Just bought access to the site due to an error where i couldnt even load my save file because of the paywall patch. I have long been a supporter of this mod under a different username and had to create a whole new account, spend the money to get the most recent patch and STILL cant load my save due to the newest files. Not too happy as i cant even load my save without the files and play any saves ive had going for years.


Hey Richard, I'm sorry about the trouble you are currently experiencing! What exactly is going on? I just want to be clear that I don't paywall patches and I view that behavior for a fan funded endeavor to be manipulative. At worse, a patch is released for the free version a day later because I rush out the Patreon patches until I'm literally about to fall asleep or my Patrons uncover additional issues that need to be fixed before the patch is released to a wider audience. Only rarely has it taken more than 1 day to patch the public after the Patreon is patched. You can find the maintained, public versions of my mod both on wicked.cc here https://wicked.cc/mods/nisa-k/nisas-wicked-perversions/ and on LL. As for not being able to load into your game. I'd be happy to help you with that. First thing first. Are you getting any Last Exception? Even if the game crashes on startup then a Last Exception still may be generated in your Mods folder or via MCC if you use it. If you find a last exception. Please send it to me via a free no account needed service such as pastebin.com. We can find an alternative method to share too if that doesn't work for you! Depending on when you last played, a lot of your mods may be out of date. To test this, I recommend trying a minimal install test. Rename your mods folder as something like 'mods2' then create a new mods folder. Move over (make sure you update first) WW, WP, BMD (if you use it, remember to use the updated venue list too), and MCC (also if you use it) to the new mods folder along with the resource.cfg file. load into a game, you can try your previous save but if you do then be sure not to save during this test. You should also try a new save too as there is a rare maxis bug with the for rent expansion which corrupts worlds currently. If the game loads, then you'll need to do a 50/50 method to sus out which mods could be causing the game crash. If you send me an LE, I might be able to direct you towards the troubled mods.