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Vampires, Aliens, eternally horny sex demons, and even unicorns and werewolves. I can believe all these things exist, of course. Owning a home, however? The hollow moon theory makes more sense than this delusional dream. No one can afford to own a home in this economy! Luckily, maxis have addressed this critical immersion breaking flaw of The Sims with the next expansion The Sims 4 For Rent coming on Thursday December 7th 2023which brings rentable space on lots, townhomes, and a fun night market to the game! You can read more about the coming expansion here: https://www.ea.com/en/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/store/addons/the-sims-4-for-rent-expansion-pack

But of course, a new expansion means a pre-patch will be coming later today, December the 5th! For those who are new to expansions, it’s usually the pre-patch which tends to break most mods by applying core changes to the game needed to support the new expansion pack.

But, as always, your favorite modders are all working to pick apart the many changes the pre-patch and later the expansion will bring to the game. While it can be difficult to predict how long your favorite mods will be out of commission, it typically takes us (TURBO, Basemental, and me) few hours to about 2 days to release a patch depending on how many fundamental systems are altered! I’ll be in discord while patching tomorrow for those who want a more up to the moment prediction for how the patch is going, but for those who don’t use discord, I’ll be silently updating this post here with progress to keep you informed with how the patch is coming.

If you plan to play your modded sims 4 while we are working on the patch then I highly recommend you disable updates. There are now two ways to go about this. If you have Origin installed (does anyone still have this? I miss origin) then click Origin in the upper left -> application settings -> disable automatic game updates, then origin tab again and hit ‘go offline.’ If you have the new EA app installed then hit the 3 horizontal bars in the upper left corner -> Settings -> hit the download tab just below settings (It’s not immediately obvious it’s a tab) then click off update games automatically, I’d probably disable Enable Background downloads just to be safe too. Then hit the 3 horizontal bars again and hit ‘go offline.’ This should prevent the sims 4 from auto-updating while your Mod Authors work on patches for you.

For Rent Pre-Patch Status [Released]:

  • Pre-patch released, installed.
  • TEN is patched (Tuning Error Notifier I help maintain, modder tool, don't worry about it)
  • WW Patreon Patch Released: https://www.patreon.com/posts/wickedwhims-v179-93995721
  • Downloaded, decompiling and Patched for WW.
  • BMD update released.
  • Analyzed pre-patch.
  • Pre-patch released for Patrons here.
  • It's possible more things will break with the expansion release. Unlike previously, there's some base game code missing from the pre-patch which the expansion will likely need. My plan is to release the LL version with any Expansion patches needed after For Rent releases in a few hours.

For Rent Pack Status[Released]:

  • Expansion released, installed.
  • Decompiling and analyzing changes. Done.
  • No new LEs on loading, no script changes (I was thinking there would be this time, unlike normal expanisons) I'm going to rush out the LL patch for people still waiting and then go back and test my features on rentable lots.
  • Hotpatch Released for the For Rent expansion both on LL and here. As I gameplay test the new pack now, more patches may be needed! 

Thank you for your patient and understanding while your modders work on analyzing the game pack and releasing patches asap!


Dashia Davis

I have the latest update 2.2.6kb and I'm getting an exception error. Is there a Discord where I can report the error?

Yulia Martinez

Hello! super new patreon but have LOVED this mod forever, im not sure where the link for the discord is?


I'm happy you are enjoying the mod! The discord is a tad confusing for people new to Patreon. All you need to do is link your Patreon account to your Discord account like so: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-connect-Discord-to-Patreon-member- Then a Patreon bot will automatically add you to the mod's discord server with the correct role. Still, sometimes this may bug out. If so just disconnect and reconnect your Patreon account from your Discord account. More details on this troubleshooting step can be found on https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408372541581 Specifically under the ''Are you still experiencing issues getting your role/ access to your creator’s server?'' section. Most of the time, people find step 3 (clearing cache and cookies) unnecessary if you just wait a few minutes before proceeding. following the above steps should kick the Patreon bot's butt into motion and automatically add you to the mod's discord with the correct roles. If you still experience trouble, don't hesitate to reach back out!