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Changelog 11/8/2019 for v 2.1.4b

  • Nothing fancy, Hotpatch for the latest Patreon release of WW, v147.2!

Hey Guys!

I typically release hotfixes as edits to a main content post but the latest release of WW on Patreon has so many changes that I'm actually not entirely sure if this version is still compatible with the current public version of WW. So I wanted to leave the content post up with the last version just in case. If you are a public user of WW still feel free to try this hotpatch and let me know how broken things are for you.  Otherwise this post is for the brand new Patreon version of WW and possibly for the next public  version of WW that's being released.

Perverted Tales from Nisa's Lab:

This is condensed info from my wip channel on the discord for those who aren't on there yet (come join in on the fun if you can!). So currently I have three things I'm working on. Continuing to retool prostitution for autonomy features, overhauling DoEH,  and developing succubi. I have progress to share on all three.

On Prostitution: Currently there's a problem where a two prostitutes on the same lot running a certain prostitute situation (like servicing calls from the escort call center) will cause the sim's behavior to bug out. This is partly do to the fact that these prostituting situations are visible. They needed to be visible because your prostitute can be stuck in a situation with zero clients which will block further client calls. With the system I developed last month, I began to lay a solution for this problem. Now my prostitute situations will be able to see the expected number of clients and prostitutes in any given situation and if this value drops below the expected number the situation will auto close itself. I will be running more tests on this to see if it solved the conflict of multiple working girls on a lot later today or tomorrow (depending on how hotpatching goes).

On Succubi: New succubi will drain the actual life force from their partners during sex. This has two effects. To refill the succubi orb motive known as depravity which is like a pool of magic that succubi can draw from and two, which I've been working on, to make the succubi younger but at the cost of aging their sex partner a bit. This means aging them all the way to the grave if need be.... and I have the first succubi caused death from testing just this situation in my dev build of the game! 

The balancing for this isn't done yet but it won't be drastic in normal gameplay, usually just stealing a few days at most per sex act from a partner sim. Also, as your succubus grows, they will gain more abilities for managing how much life they steal from partner, even if they steal at all. 

Daughter of the Easter Hare Overhaul: I've been wanting to make my own independent pregnancy system for DoEH since.... since the trait's creation. Benefits to this include, but are not limited to being able to have a pregnancy length different than normal sims, different kinds of pregnancies (oral, anal, uterus) and support for a unique anatomy such an 'cum sacks' for chaining pregnancies. I've just started on this overhaul, pulling out my old code for giving non pregnant sims pregger bellies

Thank you for all your guys support and as always, more to come!



is there a way to turn off the easter hare cas trait? maybe make them into hidden traits or reward store traits like in ww? i dont really want my sims getting cc cas traits.. and i can't do anything about it when they age up naturally or are randomly generated...


Hey kayla! I have a system which auto removes the cas traits from npc sims, so the only way to get it is via CAS so this shouldn't be a problem.


so excited for succubi!!

Kerry Baer

The Nov 8th update to WW has big conflicts with your stuff. I had to back turbo off to the 7th


Luckily it's not as bad as yesterday's release but yes, the latest version of WW does need a hotpatch. Working on it now, should be up soon. Thank you for your support!


commenting here and on the wickedwhims page. since updating my game mods last night and today, my sims animations have been off. during sex my sims tongues and penises are frozen mid-air while everything else goes on as normal. its pretty weird and i'm not sure which mod is doing it. curious if anyone else is having this issue.


Def. don't think something like this would be from my mod. My guess is something conflicting with WW or WW itself. Like an old cc tongue part.


i recently got a LE that says I need to send it to you. Never had to do that before


Hey Camillle! Thank you for the LE, I'm sorry for double posting this since you posted about it in two places. In the future, using a free, no account needed service like pastebin is a good way to inline LEs into posts. In any case, I think this error was fixed in the latest version of WW and WP when you are up to updating both. Thank you for your support!


Hey, When I use your mod. Mermaid sim can not clear sweat in shower or bath. If I delete your mod it is work OK. Please help.


Hey Argenmall! The pre-patch destroyed my mod today. I'm sorry for the late reply. I've just been focused on patching. Yes! My mermaids have a 'moistness' system. They don't actually sweat (because of the scaly skin) but when they do an activity that gets them wet, they get the 'sweat' texture to show that their scales are moist. They should dry off on their own after a short time. Hope that helps answer the question! Thank you for all your support!!!

Shyanne Sirmans

I'm having issues with nothing showing up in game. I've deleted and installed multiple times and either get a LE error with the LL edition so resorted to patreon and I no longer get the LE error but the Tam explorer on the PC is no longer there and no pie menu for perversions. The last time the Slave came up in pie menu but I was unable to click on it because my sim didn't have the pink motive. HELP.


Hey Shyanne! Thank you for your support, if you get any LEs then be sure to send the my way right away, either here via a pastebin link (no account needed) or on the discord. So the tam explorer is missing? This typically happens when the mod is installed incorrectly. Script mods can't be further than 1 subfolder deep from the root (Mods) folder.   This means 'Documents / Electronic Arts / The Sims 4 / Mods / NisasWickedPerversions / files go here` is okay but 'Documents / Electronic Arts / The Sims 4 / Mods / Some Folder / NisasWickedPerversions / files go here` is not.  Also make sure you have the latest version of WW and Basemental drugs installed (the latest public/free versions are fine too) as well as the latest version of the game. Are you using Legacy by any chance? You should also make sure to clear your game cache: https://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/help/cachebackup.php after updating mods, at least after updating from such a devastating game update. Let me know if you need any further assistance!

Shyanne Sirmans

I have them installed correctly in my mods folder, and updated basemental and ww which those two are working fine, and I'm not using legacy. I cleared my cache. I'm thinking I probably need to update my game, I was just trying to avoid that because I download my games and it's time consuming... Thank you so much!


I'm surprised you aren't getting a LE without an updated game! Try updating and let me know if you run into anymore troubles.