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[This is a SFW post]

Omg omg omg!

Okay... so I paused my patreon page earlier today, I then got this screen: 

Which states: "Your creator page is currently paused.  Patrons will not be charged on September 1st, 2018.  All billing will resume on October 1st, 2018."

Which sounded fine, exactly what I wanted.  but then, before heading off to bed, I see this screen just now: 

Which states: "Your creator page is currently paused.   Patrons will not be charged on October 1st, 2018.  All billing will resume on November 1st, 2018"

Which is not what I want at all.  Furthermore, I reached out to patrons in private and they told me that they got an email saying they won't be charged on October 1st.  

It appears that there was some unmentioned deadline for pausing my patreon page that I missed and the patreon UI didn't tell me of.  I do not plan on pausing my patreon page on October 1st and I would have gone about this differently if I was made aware of this fact from the very start!  

I'm so sorry for the miscommunication!  Clearly some things about this process wasn't clearly communicated to me and thus not to you either!  

Today is absolutely the worst!
(P.S. I wrote this very quickly to get this post out as soon as I was made aware of the change)



Dear Nisa K., please don't worry. Many thanks for the great Mod.

Stephen Blake

Don't sweat it! It's all fine by me. Don't you just love technology? :-D


I can only agree with the two above. No need to worry. <3


Hey I’m kinda glad Patreon f’d up, I want to still be ‘charged’. Ok, so you feel you might not have released much quantifiable content this month but you’ve been ace at supporting your little community with problems, stuff we’ve just met you know about but hasn’t bothered us you still go out of your way to fix. Not to mention hotfixes for turbo’s many updates this last week! But even usually your hotfix is up before I even realise there was an upstate! So please don’t stress, I for one am happy to pay, if I wasn’t I would unsubscribe. Hope you settle in soon! X

Lucinda Tungsten

Uhm it is only $10 when I worry about $10 time for me to give up lol

Torsten B.

Hello nisa, you make a great work with your mod, your support and fast updates after patches. This is worth the money every month. BTW will you release the caged bird update today?


Hello Nisa. Look, its ok. You had some bugs. It happens. We support you and if you need help digging out, I am sure there are people willing to help.


Well, Patreon just saved me the effort of doing a one time contribution to you for this month equal to what I would have paid for this month in a subscription. For all that it matters as a “patron” or paying customer of yours I have been very happy with what I have received so far and the support you have provided. So, no ramen only diet for you. Go, create with clear conscience.


Oh gah, it's been such a roller coaster. Apparently Patreon wasn't just telling me all sorts of things but also my patrons all sorts of things. If I hadn't have intervened it looks like (from what some Patrons had told me) some weren't going to get charged today and some were. Which would just be completely unfair. I'm sorry for all this inconvenience, we'll just see how it goes today. And thank you for your continued support :)


Hey Hayley! Thank you for your support. Omg it's such a mess... as you can imagine I have all sorts of mixed feelings about even doing it in the first place (because on the one hand I have personal goals I expect myself to make in the development process, but one the other the patreon is technically set up to help finance the development of mods and tech support but not x number of updates a month), but when patreon gave both me and my Patrons different info (first telling me Septemeber 1st then changing it to October 1st (you can only pause for a single month, so this literally shouldn't happen) and then some of my Patrons getting emails saying no pay on septemeber 1st while others say October 1st) I pretty much had to unpause my patreon page. It would have been unfair for some Patrons to get charged and others not. But like you said, maybe this will be a blessing in disguise!


Thank you Lucinda, on the one hand you are right, but on the other hand when compared to nothing, 10 usd or 1 usd is infinitely more than 0 usd and when added together does support my living. I don't want to take it for granted. Thank you for your continued support!


Thank you Masakatsu! Yes I've gotten a plethora of messages already about things to try (such as city-like night lights, city sounds soundscapes, different things to ward off the actual bugs here). I guess I was sorta foolish to think this would be like any other move. Thank you for your continued support!


Thank you so much Rhames01! This definitely ended up being quite the mess. But I'm surprised to see the overwhelming amount of support that I've been getting. It's unfortunate that patreon bugged out (and really, patreon has always bugged out when it comes to payments), but hopefully good comes from it. I know that I've learned a lot so far!


Thank you for your continued support and I'm sorry for the inconveniences. If only I could turn the worry switch in my brain off sometimes, but I'll try to chill out more!


Hey Torsten B., I'm sorry to inform that this was partially why I originally tried to disable payments today. It is not quite ready yet but I'm hard at work making it still!


Hey Nisa! I just want you to know, your work is great! I don't completely understand, what is going on at the moment (i am not that good at understanding english). In this message i am writing on what i think i understood... xD... I am happy with your work, so i support you. I don't care if i pay you for a month, without you wanting me to, because you aren't happy with your work.... As long as i am happy and pay once a month and not twice, there is no problem... I want to support you because you are doing great work and alwasy help me out, if i have problems with a mod... (just wanted to let you know and say thanks to you!)


Hey Susi! I'm not sure if patreon is weird but I saw that we found a fix for your problem with the installation! No need to feel embarrassed, these things happen. Don't feel the need to hesitate if you need to reach out to me again for anything!!! Aww, thank you for your continued support! If you need some help understanding something then don't hesitate to reach out! The Patreon thing is a mess. You pretty much have an understanding of the situation from the sounds of it, but let me know if you need clarification on anything else!

Sims 4 Me

I have no problem being charged for every month, even when you think you've under-performed, I'm happy supporting you. Please don't worry

juliette tango

Agreed. You know, I lived on the East side of Manhattan in my 20's. It was the ground floor apartment and there was constant street and traffic noise 24 hours a day. Somehow I learned to sleep through it all. Then I visited some friends in upstate New York. It was so quiet, I couldn't sleep!

Dianne Duchow

I have no problem being charged either. I do have a question. How does the spank bank work?


Awww, thank you so much for your continued support Dianne! I'm sorry I'm a bit late getting back to you, I was at a event this morning where I couldn't check my phone often! Anywho, this is a sfw post so I'll DM you through patreon an explanation shortly!


It's insane how much our body gets used to certain things! Like the country sounds better in so many ways, but my body is built for the city. I tried a cityscape soundmaker last night that helped a bit, and some city light night lights are in the mail! So I'm hopeful those are going to help! Thank you for your support!


Thank you so much Sims 4 Me! the responses I've received from you and other Patrons has made me feel so much safer. You guys are great!


Nisa, a few things that might help getting used to the countryside: 1. Get yourself a white noise generator or app for your preferred music system. Failing that, use music when you sleep. This works because you need an intermediate solution between full-on city sounds (no adjustment) and the quiet of the countryside (full culture clash). 2. Get your exercise outdoors in the morning and your daily errands after. People get bored at work and you'll clear out all the gossip/greetings/social meetings while getting things done. 3. Don't work outside unless it's windy and daytime. It cuts down on the insect interference. Do go outside at night, get yourself outside line of sight of municipal lights, and plant a low-lumen light about 5m away from yourself. Enjoy the stars. Odds are you're going be seeing them in all their glory for the first time if you've spent most of your life in a city. 4. Work ethic aside, don't worry too much about Patreon and the people here. The ones giving you money want you to make mods and aren't particularly concerned with a few dollars a month, the ones not giving you money won't do that anyway because they're almost certainly more casual users. ;)

Dianne Duchow

I agree with Merlin 1941. Just think, you can incorporate some of what you see in your new environment into your mods! This can help you pull you work into you new living enrironment!!


Hey Merlin! Thank you so much for your support and understanding! A actually put some small cheap speakers up in my bedroom, hooked up my phone to said speakers, and set an app to turn off my speakers after about an hour! There are city sound playlist on spotify that a reference for this time. It's helping quite a bit. I also got some city light night lights to light up my bedroom at night! It's helping quite a bit. I do go jogging in the morning but i'm going to try to do it earlier now, and I even went out and did some events with the community yesterday! Life is definitely different here but I'm hoping that this will help my body acclimate more. Thank you for the bug tips! There are soooooooo many out here. The spiders must be very happy.


+Dianne I could thing of a certain cow theme certainly (btw this is a sfw post so be careful!)

john evenson

How Das the spank bank work? OK I might just be missing something but, Can't seam to find way to deposit in the spank bank only withdrawal any idea that am doing wrong? Plz hepl


Hey John! You need to go to the tam explorer and buy milky way condoms and then use them during sex or masturbation. This will cause a cup of cum to be generated which you can then deposit to the bank.

john evenson

Any news on next update?


Hello Nisa k i was wondering are you going to update Nisa's Wicked Perversions: The Lost Eden Update for the public?